Gao is divided into German version of Heine's Beautiful Fisherwoman, which is from Beihai Collection.

The name of this poem is Du Shi? nes Fischerm? dchen

As far as I know, it is not in Beihai collection, but in Buch der Lieder.

Later, franz schubert Schubert included it in his swan song Shi Wanneng Song.

The following is the full text of the poem, which must be true, because it is the original poem.

Dusch? nes Fischerm? dchen,

Trebeden Kahn's land;

I left with him,

We hold hands.

Can you help me get a leg? Puchin,

I don't know what you are talking about,

You look great.

t? Ben Wilden Mayer.

My mother took me,

The tide rises and falls,

What about manche school? ne Perle

In seiner Tiefe ruht.