Cries from the Deep Hymns

The hymn of cry from the depths is as follows:

Lord, I cry out to you from the depths, Lord, please listen to my prayer, because I have turned to my own way. , makes you disappointed and sad, I hope you will listen to my prayer! Lord, hear my cry in despair. Lord, never give up and hide your face.

If You examine my sins, who can stand? Please forgive me and cleanse me from my sins. Lord, I cry out to You from the bottom of my heart. Lord, please listen to my prayer. Because I have chosen my own way, I am disappointed and saddened by You. May You listen to my prayer! Lord, hear my cry in despair. Lord, never give up hiding your face.

If you examine your sins, who can stand? Please forgive me and cleanse my sins. I will cry out loudly. You have the grace to forgive me. I will look up to you with all my heart and rely firmly on you.

Blothe my sins and wash away all unrighteousness. My Lord, my only salvation. Lord, I wait for you in the long night. Lord, wait patiently for the dawn. Please have mercy on me and let me sing with joy so that others will fear and honor your name.

I want to cry loudly, you have the grace to forgive, I will look up to you with all my heart and rely firmly on you. Blot out my sins and wash away all unrighteousness, my Lord, my only salvation. I want to cry loudly, You have the grace of forgiveness. I will look to you with all my heart, rely firmly on you, blot out my sins, and wash away all unrighteousness.

My Lord, my only salvation, Lord, I wait for you in the long night. Lord, wait patiently for the coming of dawn, and ask for your mercy and grace, so that I can sing with joy and make people fear and honor your name. Please have mercy on me and let me sing with joy so that others will fear and honor your name.