English composition of Vancouver Winter Olympics

I like curling for more than 500 years. Early written records of curling-a group of people sliding stones on frozen ponds and curling. Hs (a fjord-like bay) was found in Paisley Abbey in Scotland, which can be traced back to 154 1. Men's curling appeared in the first Winter Olympic Games held in Chamonix, France in 1924, but it was not until 1998 that curling became an official Olympic event again, and there were men's and women's competitions. In the Winter Olympics, curling includes two events: the women's championship and the men's championship. At the beginning of each tournament, there are 10 curling teams. The two teams are playing at the same time. The game is played on the ice, and the two teams take turns to push 19. 1 kg stones to a series of concentric rings or circles. The aim is to get the gem as close to the center of the ring as possible. A game consists of 10 "innings" (similar to those in baseball). At each end, each group of four "throws" (actually slides along the ice) eight stones-two for each person, making a total of 16. Team members sweep the ice in front of each stone to control the direction of the stone, that is, "curl" and speed. At the end of the 10 round, the team with the highest score-the closer the stones are to the center of the circle-wins.