During the Kaiyuan period of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, poets Wang Changling, Gao Shi and Wang Zhihuan were equally famous, but their fate was bumpy, their career was difficult and their life experiences were quite similar. One day, the wind was cold and the light snow was fluttering. Three poets went to a restaurant together and had a drink on credit. Suddenly, an official in charge of music in the pear garden led more than a dozen children upstairs for a banquet. The three poets avoided, hid in a dark corner, surrounded by a small stove and watched them perform. After a while, four beautiful and seductive women in the pear garden came upstairs, wrapped in jade beads and swaying. Then the music began to play, playing all the famous songs at that time. Wang Changling and others privately agreed: "We are all famous figures in the poetry world, but we can't always tell the difference between high and low. Today is an opportunity to listen to these singers quietly. Whoever has more poems is the best. " A singer first sang: "The cold rain entered the river in the middle of the night in Wu, and the Chushan seeing off guests was plain and clear. If relatives and friends in Luoyang ask each other, a piece of ice heart is in the jade pot. " Wang Changling drew a line on the wall with his finger: "One of my quatrains." Then a singer sang, "I opened my eyes with tears the day before yesterday and saw your book." Why is the night station lonely? It is still a cloud house. "Gao Shi reached out and drew on the wall:" One of my quatrains. " Another singer appeared: "The broom opens the golden palace, forcing the round fan to wander. ".Jade is not as beautiful as western Western jackdaw, but it still bears the shadow of Zhaoyang. Wang Changling stretched out his hand and drew the wall again and said, "Two quatrains." Wang Zhihuan thought he was famous for a long time, but the singers didn't sing his poems, which was a bit embarrassing. He said to Wang and Senior Two, "These singers are all unknown girls' films, singing vulgar songs like' Ba people going to the countryside'. How can they sing such an elegant song as' Chun Xue'? " So he pointed his finger at the most beautiful and outstanding singer and said, "When this little girl sings, if it weren't for my poems, I would never compare with you in my life;" If it's really my poem, don't mention it. You two should bow in your seats and respect me as a teacher. " The three poets waited, talking and laughing. After a while, it was the turn of the most beautiful girl with a bun to sing. She sang, "The Yellow River is far above the white clouds. It is an isolated city, Wan Ren Mountain. Why should the flute complain about the willow? The spring breeze is only Yumenguan. " Wang Zhihuan was so proud that he made fun of Wang Changling and Gao Shi and said, "What's the matter, bumpkin, am I right?" The three poets laughed heartily. When the singers heard the laughter, they didn't know what had happened. They came over one after another and said, "What are you laughing at?" Wang Changling told them the reason for Bi Shi. The singers bowed down and said, "Please forgive our ignorance of immortals and invite all the adults to dinner." At their invitation, three poets hosted a banquet for a day.