How many lines of poems are there in the biography of King Gesar***?

Based on the current collection and arrangement, "The Biography of King Gesar" has more than 120 parts, more than 1 million lines of poetry, and more than 20 million words, making it the longest epic in the world. In terms of quantity, it is better than the five most famous epics in the world, namely: the ancient Babylonian epic "Gilgamesh", the Greek epic "Iliad" and "The Odyssey", the Indian epic "Ramayana", The sum total of Mahabharata is even more.

It is mainly divided into three parts:

The first, the birth, that is, the birth of Gesar;

The second, the battle, that is, Gesar conquers the demons The process;

Third, the end, that is, Gesar returns to heaven.

Among the three parts, the second part "Conquest" is the most rich in content and the most ambitious in length. In addition to the four famous demon-conquering histories - "Conquering Demons in the North", "The Battle of Huoling", "Defending the Salt Sea", and "The Battle of Menling", there are also 18 major stories, 18 medium stories and 18 minor stories. Each important story And each war constitutes a relatively independent epic.