This is an important historical development, which represents the expansion of gang behavior and gang culture to new areas of the country in a new way. Although these gangs may have been set up by imitating Crips and Bloods, and they may still wear typical gang costumes and belongings, they are more organizations composed of young people who are prone to violence and illegal behavior than ethnic turf wars. In addition, another movie may help to think about this kind of gang. The film Grease depicts a certain class of teenagers, who share the same clothing, culture and behavior. However, they are not regarded as a youth gang, but a faction or small group in the whole high school environment. However, in 1999, these veterans are more likely to be organized into the youth gangs identified in Puyallup. They learn from some behaviors and cultures of urban gangs, become more organized, and participate in more inter-group conflicts. They tend to harass and intimidate other students.
The space and place where young people live is an important aspect of their material, cultural and historical identity. Youth culture is regarded as a system of social relations, in which the expression of connection and influence comes from power relations, fashion and habits (Massey, 124). Therefore, the relationship between youth and society not only affects the space they perceive, but also affects the identity and culture of youth. The knowledge collected by young people about the important environment in their lives helps to form their local identity. The evolution of place identity "is not only a reaction to the physical attributes of children's surroundings, but also a product of their own and others' social roles, which helps them to know who they are and how to express themselves" (Boocock, 36). This contact with space, places and people helps them to control their own world and culture. Doreen massey believes that all the relationships that make up space are imbued with power in one way or another. People think that sometimes adults have some power to control young people and their views on their environment. Although adults think that this kind of local control plays a positive role in the safety of teenagers in today's society, their control actually inhibits the growth of teenagers today.