Pei Gong rode more than a hundred miles to see Wang Xiang and arrived at Hongmen. Xie Yue said, "I fought against the general in Qin, the general in Hebei and the minister in Henan. However, I didn't expect to be able to enter the customs and break the Qin Dynasty first, so I had to say goodbye to the general here. Today, the words of a villain have made the generals and ministers lose something. "
Fan Kuai said, "I don't want to avoid death, so I drink my wine and quit! Her husband, King Qin, has the heart of a tiger and a wolf. If you can't kill, you are afraid of being punished, and the world is rebellious. Chu Huaiwang made an agreement with all the generals:' The one who first breaks the Qin Dynasty and enters Xianyang is king.' Today, Pei Gong first broke the Qin Dynasty and entered Xianyang, but he dared not go near. He closed the official residence and returned to the army to wait for the arrival of the king. Therefore, people who will keep the customs should be prepared for him to steal in and out. If you work hard and get high grades, you won't be rewarded, but listen to the details and want to punish those who have made meritorious deeds. This is the continuation of the Qin dynasty, I don't take it as king! "