Spirit: seven eyes

In the Bible, there are not many places where we see seven eyes. They are in Revelation 5: 6 and Zechariah 4: 10. We can understand from the slaughtered sheep that they are referring to Jesus Christ. Seven corners and seven spirits, although they feel the same, need to be familiar with the reference.

You don't know what it feels like to be stung until you have been stung. You didn't know the evil of human nature until you were killed. Knowing that he would be killed, he did not hesitate to consider others and redeem the price for others.

Finally, look at the touching chapter.

Matthew 14: 36,

He said, "Dad, Dad, you can do anything. Please help me take this cup off. But don't do what I want, just do what you want.

Good night, I haven't had a good rest recently, and I need to reflect on many aspects. Start (a disease)