Which countries celebrate Christmas?

Most western countries have Christmas customs, including the United States, Britain, Canada, Russia, Italy, Australia, Argentina, Ireland and Iceland.

Christmas customs in different countries;

1, USA: cookies and milk for Santa Claus?

American families like to prepare snacks for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. Most churches also hold candlelight parties at midnight, which usually include performances of the nativity scene. ?

2. Canada: Opening Christmas Eve presents?

Canadian families usually open presents after Christmas Eve parties. Some people only open one gift and save the rest for Christmas. ?

3. Russia: Fasting on Christmas Eve?

Fasting usually lasts until the party ends on Christmas Eve or when the stars come out. After the fast, Russians will eat a traditional Russian food called kutya, which includes grains, honey and poppy seeds. The whole family will eat it from the bowl as a symbol of unity. But there is no meat. ?

4. Italy: Eat a "Seven Fish Banquet" on Christmas Eve?

The traditional feast of Italians on Christmas Eve includes seafood and pasta. There are seven different seafood dishes in the "Seven Fish Banquet". The tradition of eating seafood originated from the custom of Roman Catholics not eating meat on Christmas Eve.

5. Australia: Have a cold meal at Christmas.

Although many people describe Christmas as a warm snowy holiday, Christmas in Australia is in midsummer. Australians usually have a cold meal on Christmas Eve, and the fish market is crowded with people hoarding seafood before Christmas. Cream protein cookies are a must-have Christmas dessert for Australians.