Preface to Longbi Mountain Residence was written by Li Bai, Wang, Wang Jian and Wen. His writing is profound and binding. A moral gentleman doesn't talk to himself, and commentators are unique to Ting Yun. Zhou Jiyun: Words are high and low, light and heavy. Fei Qing's word is paperweight, and the terminal enters the cloud, which can be described as the ability of both.
It also carries a Zhang Huiyan cloud: Fei Qing's writing is deeply beautiful and trustworthy. Fei Qing is the deepest, so he is not afraid of anger and is prepared to be both rigid and flexible. Dense needles and wisps of moss began to show their traces in the Southern Song Dynasty, and the weather between flowers was very strong. If you fly to Qing, you will surpass it, and there will be no more signs. However, orthography has a context. Liu Xizai's Outline of Art goes further: Wen Feiqing's ci is exquisite.
The position of prose in the history of ci is really very important. As a famous poet in the late Tang Dynasty and an important figure in the history of China's poetry, the loss of literary poetry is very regrettable, which is a great loss in the treasure house of classical literature.
Not only the collection of poems is lost, but also the important historical materials about the text are lost, so that it is difficult to understand the details of the text now. There is also a reversal of time sequence and errors in Wenzhuan in Biography of Talented People in the Tang Dynasty. Although the research of relevant experts can only know. Nevertheless, Wen still shines brilliantly in the history of literature, and his name is immortal.