Dear father, dear Lord Jesus, thank you for choosing us from all peoples so that we can pray before you. Please fill your blessings with water among us. You teach us the laws of the kingdom of heaven and tell us the secret of being blessed. You say that the humble are blessed, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.
Lord, yes, how proud our hearts are. Before your words and will, we are often rebellious. Ecclesiastes says that God is in heaven and man is on earth, so let's not talk nonsense before God or talk nonsense. God, let us acknowledge today that you are an all-knowing and all-powerful God, and we just exist like dust.
Lord, let us bow down before you, admit our limitations, stop thinking we are smart, and keep silent before your will. In particular, please give us ears to listen to, so that we can accept your truth teaching from the heart.
Lord, please restore our initial enthusiasm and love and long for your words, just as a baby longs for its mother's milk. Help us to rely on you and seek you.
Lord, please give us an educated heart and always seek the help and advice of spiritual elders and brothers and sisters. Let us unite closely with the church, unite with the shepherds and get spiritual protection. Because each of us is so weak and inadequate, only by supporting each other with the grace of God can we keep moving forward.
Lord, please give every brother and sister a humble and earnest heart and let us taste the world of heaven! Pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.