The small goal of Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition was to occupy Liang Yong. Even if we can't destroy Wei, if we occupy Liang Yong, we will have the capital to fight Wei. Liang Yong is rich in fine horses, and many horses of Wei were selected from here. Zhuge Liang can form a more powerful cavalry with Liang Yong. Cavalry is the most powerful arms in ancient times, which often determines the outcome of the war. Wei lost a horse source, and Shu had a horse source. In between, the strength of Shu has been greatly improved.
Zhuge Liang's constant northern expedition also gave himself an opportunity to develop internally. If Shu does not attack Wei, Wei will not let go. Zhuge Liang was determined to make the Northern Expedition because he had vowed to cultivate his backbone in the war through the Northern Expedition. Since the death of the Five Tiger Generals, there have been almost no outstanding generals in Shu, and Wei has a land of Yingchuan, which can provide Wei with a steady stream of talents.
Zhuge Liang also found his successor Jiang Wei during the Northern Expedition. Zhuge Liang knew that he could not realize the great cause of reviving the Han Dynasty. He must make a plan for what will happen after his death. Jiang Wei is an opportunity given by God to Zhuge Liang. ?