Are the lyrics of English songs the same as those of Chinese songs? Sometimes, they are just one or two independent words, and some sentence formats seem to be ungrammatical, so we need a professional

Are the lyrics of English songs the same as those of Chinese songs? Sometimes, they are just one or two independent words, and some sentence formats seem to be ungrammatical, so we need a professional interpretation. There are many similarities between English and Chinese, but there are also many differences. One of the most important points is that English pays attention to hypotaxis and Chinese pays attention to parataxis. So sometimes English will use many ellipsis sentences, while Chinese is limited in this sentence pattern, omitting at most the same subject or repeated object, while English is much more free and flexible in the use of ellipsis sentences, which will give people the feeling of grammatical errors.

For example, the sentence "Matter can be changed into energy, and energy into matter."

is expressed in Chinese as "matter can be converted into energy, and energy can also be converted into matter." You can't omit it, and after omission, you can't express your meaning completely.