What does Pushkin's resurrection poem mean?

1. yevgeny onegin письмотат?ныкоеч. Теперь, язнаю, ввашейволе Меняпрезреньемнаказать.Новы, кмоейнесчастнойдоле Хотькаплюжалостихраня, Вынеоставитеменя.Сначалаямолчатьхотела; Поверьте: моегостыда Вынеузналибникогда, Когдабнадеждуяимела Хотьредко, хотьвнеделюраз Вдеревненашейвидетьвас, Чтобтолькослышатьваширечи, Вамсловомолвить, ипотом Вседумать, думатьободном Иденьиночьдоновойвстречи.Но, говорят, вынелюдим; Вглуши, вдеревневсевамскучно, Амы...ничеммынеблестим, Хотьвамирадыпростодушно.Зачемвыпосетилинас? Вглушизабытогоселенья Яникогданезналабвас, Незналабгорькогомученья.Душинеопытнойволненья Смиривсовременем (какзнать? ), Посердцуянашлабыдруга, Былабывернаясупруга Идобродетельнаямать.Другой! ..Нет, никомунасвете Неотдалабысердцая! Товвышнемсужденосовете...Товолянеба: ятвоя; Всяжизньмоябылазалогом Свиданьяверногостобой; Язнаю, тымнепосланбогом, Догробатыхранительмой...Тывсновиденьяхмнеявлялся Незримый, тымнебылужмил, Твойчудныйвзглядменятомил, Вдушетвойголосраздавался Давно...нет, этобылнесон! Тычутьвошел, явмигузнала, Всяобомлела, запылала Ивмысляхмолвила: вотон! Неправдаль? ятебяслыхала: Тыговорилсомнойвтиши, Когдаябеднымпомогала Илимолитвойуслаждала Тоскуволнуемойдуши? Ивэтосамоемгновенье Нетыли, милоевиденье, Впрозрачнойтемнотемелькнул, Приникнултихокизголовью? Нетыль, сотрадойилюбовью, Слованадеждымнешепнул? Ктоты, мойангеллихранитель, Иликоварныйискуситель: Моисомненьяразреши.Бытьможет, этовсепустое, Обманнеопытнойдуши! Исужденосовсеминое...Нотакибыть! Судьбумою Отнынеятебевручаю, Передтобоюслезылью, Твоейзащитыумоляю...Вообрази: яздесьодна, Никтоменянепонимает, Рассудокмойизнемогает, Имолчагибнутьядолжна.Яждутебя: единымвзором Надеждысердцаоживи Ильсонтяжелыйперерви, Увы, заслуженнымукором! Кончаю! страшноперечест11000 ... Now, I know that you can punish me with contempt at will, but even if you have a little pity for my unfortunate fate, you will never refuse my approach. Ah, at first, I really wanted to be silent. Please believe me, so that you will never know my secret. I secretly hope to see you in our village once in a while, even once a week, just to listen to you and say a word to you, and then I think about it day and night ... until I get together with you next time, but it is said that you don't like people and feel lonely in this remote village, and we are not worth showing off, although I like you because of this. In this lonely and forgotten country, I will never know you, and I will never experience this painful torture. As time goes by, who knows that with my inexperienced heart, maybe I will find a reasonable friend, and I will become a loyal wife and a kind mother. Oh, the other, oh, not in this world, my heart will never be dedicated to another person. This is predestined. God means only you can have my heart. My life is the best proof that I will meet you. I know you are a gift from God. You will protect my life. In my dream, although you came before me, I felt kind. Your strange eyes are so confused. Your voice lingers in my heart for a long time. No, it's not an illusory dream. As soon as you came in, I realized that I suddenly froze. Hot all over, I silently said: it's him. I heard your voice when I helped the poor or comforted my distressed soul and sadness with prayers. You didn't talk to me quietly again, and at such a moment, didn't your dear phantom flash by in the quiet darkness and stand gently by my bed? Didn't you whisper to me with joy and love, which filled me with hope? Who are you? My angel and protector are cunning people who only cheat women. To answer my doubts. Maybe all this is just a fantasy of an inexperienced soul, but in the end it is a completely different fate. But let it go. Now I entrust my fate to you, shed a little tears in front of you and earnestly ask for your protection. Imagine that I am alone, no one can understand my heart, and I can't keep my reason. I should look for death silently. I am waiting for you. Please take a look at me and use it to awaken the hope in my heart, otherwise you will break this heavy dream in my heart. Give me the blame I deserve. I dare not read any more. Shame and fear make me confused, but your personality is my guarantee. I boldly entrusted myself to it. 2. A little flower цветокцветокзасохшии. когда? какойвесною? Идолгольцвёл? исорванкем, Чужой, знакомойлирукою? Иположёнсюдазачем? Напамятьнежногольсвиданья, Илиразлукироковой, Ильодинокогогулянья Втиши полей, втени лесной? Иживлитот, итажива ли? Инынчегдеихуголок? Илиужеониувяли, Каксейневедомыйцветок? A little flower I saw a forgotten little flower in a book. It has dried up and lost its fragrance. At this moment, my mind is full of a strange fantasy: where is it? What time? What spring is it? Did you drive for a long time? Who took it off? Is it a stranger's hand or a familiar hand? Why put it here again? Is it to commemorate that warm meeting, or the feeling of destiny takes a hand's parting, or to commemorate walking alone in the secluded place of the field and in the shadow of the forest? He's alive. Is she alive? Where is the corner where they live now? Or are they all withered, like this unknown little flower?