He was once referred to as the Picasso of poetry. Beloved by Chileans of all classes, he is one...

5-8 ?ACCA

5. A word meaning guessing question. According to the meaning of the next sentence, "He was loved by Chileans from all walks of life. His works were widely read and highly respected." It can be guessed that he was once known as a "giant" in the poetry world.

6. C Detail questions. According to the sentence "To cover up the publication of his first poem" in the third paragraph of the essay, we can know that Neruda's father did not approve of his son becoming a poet and often tried every means to prevent his creation. In order to hide his first collection of poems from others, the poet gave himself a pen name - Neruda.

7. C True or False question. The meaning expressed in the second and third sentences of the fourth paragraph is: Neruda has rich experience. He has been a diplomat and has been in exile abroad. Therefore, the themes of his poems are diverse and not limited to love between men and women. His work also reflects leftist political struggles and developments in South America. It can be judged from this.

8. A. Paragraph topic. According to the two sentences "He found inspiration in the power and freedom of the waves and the seabirds on the coast" and "He loved how the sea forever renewed itself, a renewal echoed in his work" we can know: the majestic power of the waves, the freedom of The excitement, the seabirds soaring on the coast, all these gave Neruda endless creative inspiration. He likes the sea because it is constantly renewing itself. And his poems are like the sea, constantly introducing new ones.