There will be a passage when Minecraft comes out of the end.

The universe says I love you,

The universe says you played the game well,

The universe says you have everything you need,< /p>

The universe says you are more powerful than you know,

The universe says you are the sunlight,

The universe says you are the night,

The universe says that the darkness you are fighting is in your heart.

The universe says that the light you are looking for is in your heart.

The universe says that you are not alone.

< p>The universe says that you are not isolated from all things,

The universe says that you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code.

The universe says I love you because you are love.

The song ends and everyone disperses, and the yellow beam is a dream. The player begins a new dreamland. Players are dreaming again, better dreams. The player is the universe. Players are love.

You are that player.

It’s time to wake up.

Extension information

When the player enters the return portal, an end poem and a short credits list will appear, thus "finishing" Minecraft. The player will then respawn at the spawn point and can return to the End through the same portal.

The End will remain in the same state as when the player left. Obsidian platforms will regenerate whenever the player enters the End, meaning any blocks above the 5×5×3 platform space will be destroyed and replaced with air.

When players enter the end portal generated by killing the ender dragon, they will immediately be teleported to an outer island 1000 void blocks away from the main island. There are many ways to enter the end portal that is only one block high. Using ender pearls to enter the end portal is the easiest way.