The climate in Beijing is cold, and after the Flower Festival, the remaining coldness is still very severe. Cold winds blow frequently, and when the wind blows, sand and rocks fly. I had to stay confined in a room and couldn't get out. Every time I walked quickly in the wind, I was forced to turn back within a hundred steps. On the 22nd, the weather got a little warmer. A few friends and I walked out of Dongzhimen and arrived at Manjing. Tall willow trees grow on both sides of the river embankment, and the fertile land is slightly moist. Looking at an open and open scene, I feel like a swan flying out of a cage. At this time, the ice on the river had just melted, and the water waves began to glow, with layers of ripples like fish scales. The river water was clear and transparent, and the surface of the water shone like a mirror box that had just been opened. A cold light suddenly shot out from the mirror box. Same. The mountains were washed clean by the melted snow, and they were as beautiful as if they had just been wiped clean. They were delicate and bright, like a beautiful girl who had just finished combing her hair and bun after washing her face. The wicker is about to stretch but has not yet stretched, and its tender tips spread out in the wind. The low wheat seedlings are like the long hair on the neck of an animal, about an inch high. Although there are not many tourists, you can often see people making tea and drinking from the spring, singing with wine glasses, and people wearing colorful clothes and riding donkeys. Although the wind is still very strong, walking will make you sweat. All the birds basking on the beach and the fish floating on the water looked leisurely and at ease, and all animals exuded the atmosphere of joy. Only then did I realize that there is no spring in the suburbs, it’s just that people living in the city don’t know it. (I) I am the only one who does not delay official business because of traveling around mountains and rivers, and enjoys leisurely among the mountains, rocks, grass and trees. This is my official position. And Manjing happens to be close to my residence. My travel will start from now on, how can I not record it! It was already February of Jihai year.