The tiger is the king of the forest. He should have his own bravery. The king of the forest should be generous and generous. He should not get angry with the kitten because of trivial matters. It is difficult to find a good friend, so he should cherish it. own friends.
A kitten can be friends with a tiger. He already has a lot of courage. As a tiger, he should cherish his friend, show his self-esteem as a tiger, and take the initiative to be friendly with his good friend. OK, save this cherished friendship. Extended information
Original text:
In a forest, there lived a tiger and a kitten. The tiger lived at the top of the mountain and the kitten lived at the foot of the mountain. The stream on the mountain flows down the mountain, passing right in front of Mao Mao's house. They all lead a quiet and leisurely life.
Tiger and Kitten One day, the tiger folded a paper boat and put it into the stream. The paper boat floated and floated, and it floated to the door of the kitten's house. The kitten picked up the paper boat and looked at it, and was very happy. There is a small fish in the paper boat. On the small sail of the paper boat is written: I wish you good luck every day!
The kitten also wanted to fold a paper boat and give it to the tiger, but how could the paper boat float to the top of the mountain? It thought about it and found a way. The kitten found branches and paper and built a kite. The kite floated in the wind and arrived at the door of Tiger's house. The tiger grabbed the string of the kite and was very happy when he saw it.
There is a box tied to the kite, and there is a piece of meat in the box. On the wings of the kite is written: I wish you happiness forever!