The reflection of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Wei Shaodiji: In the Spring and Autumn Period of the Han and Jin Dynasties, it was said that the dragon was still seen, and the salty thought was auspicious. The emperor said: "dragons also have virtue." The sky is not in the sky, the ground is not in the field, and it is not a good omen to bow to the well. " He still writes poems about hidden dragons to laugh at himself, but King Sima Wen hates them.
Only the specific content of this poem has been lost.
So it can be said that Cao Mao really wrote such a poem about Hidden Dragon, which angered Si Mazhao.
However, the specific content of the poem is only found in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and the content of the poem is slightly different in different versions of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. So the specific content of this poem should be regarded as Luo Guanzhong's forgery at present.
The mo Xiang Xia sincerely offers.