Fang Yi Ji and Shiping Li Pu Yun: Zong Mian, Qu Shiping. The father and servant merchants were punished by law and flowed to Guangnan. When the mother gave birth to Zongmian, she could still talk, but she couldn't walk with her. Therefore, she is suitable for Fuchun Stone's family again. Shi's education is no different, and Zong Mian can study hard, so he took Shi's surname and became a scholar. One day, he worked as a mother officer in Guangnan, and all the people in and out of the office were veterans. My mother saw him and said, "This is like your father." Zong Mian collected the whole story, and his mother told him, and said, "Your father has a mole on his left thigh with several rhizomes on it." Zong Mian wants to take the exam, but it is very difficult. He held a banquet, told officials and slaves to throw silver cups and pools, and asked veterans to take cups naked. Because they were forced to see the mole on the stock and asked the veteran, they said the same thing. It's a mother's report, bathing clothes and family gifts extended to the main hall. I heard about it in North Korea, so I have to ask Li to come back.
Qu Xianzhi says: Zong Mian's father's name is Tianlong, and his mother's name is Xu. They were all buried in the Guo Ming Temple in Tongshan, and the monument was swept away by later generations when it was towering. Zong Miansheng's second son, Chang Shiyan, a bachelor of cabinet, was buried in Fuyang. The second, as a teacher, was buried in Tongmuwu, Yuanshan Mountain, Anyang, and was divided into two branches.
Chen Yuanyifu's Tomb of Prime Minister Li Zongmian in Fuyang says: Being a prime minister is a beautiful city. Stone sheep lie in misty rain, and two horses want to sing. Weng Zhong's call should not be answered, and the night language beckons the mountain spirits. In the past, when Zhu came, people died and were buried. Dig deep into the mountain, build by laying bricks or stones Hong Shi management. People who build houses are cautious, so how dare they do firewood grazing? You have children and grandchildren, and you are drunk every year. A hundred years later, it will surprise ghosts and gods. The wind and waves turned over the Zhejiang water and crossed it indiscriminately. The house was ransacked and the name of the deceased was still remembered. Damn, there's a landslide in Gori's tomb. Swing a hoe and lift a stone plow as a pit. The red coffin was broken and rose, and the body looked muddy. Tear off Jebel's belt and tidy up the golden barn. A cone controls the mouth of the canal and produces pearls. Bones are covered with mud and grass, and old trees are hungry. Public morality is not as good as fear, and the disaster behind it is lovely. Or you are tired of this money, so that the harm is not light. You can't see it from the history books, but it feels like an empty grave. The boatman gave instructions, and the calendar said it was a feeling. The sunset in the forest is long, and it is cold and sunny in the distance. Songs and poems hang in the desert, and rivers and seas are full of worries.
Topic Jiang xiuting
After walking through the tower for several spring and autumn, every sigh is nostalgia. It's better to go back and lie in the forest than to feel dangerous when you get on the boat today.