An example of a family believing in God in the New Testament

After Acts 16: 16, we went to the place of prayer. A maid came to see her. She was possessed by a witch and a ghost and used magic to make her master rich. Acts 16: 17 She followed Paul and us and cried out, saying, These people are servants of the Most High God, and they have spoken to you about the way to save people. Acts 16: 18 She cried like this for many days, and Paul was bored. Jesus turned to the demon and said, I command you to come out of her in the name of Jesus Christ. At that time, ghosts came out. Acts 16: 19 when the owners of the two handmaids saw that there was no hope of profit, they took Paul and Silas and took them to the market to see the leader. Acts 16:20 and brought it before the rulers, saying that these Jews were harassing our city. Acts 16:2 1 preached unbearable and unfeasible rules for us Romans. Acts 16:22 and all the people rose up against them. Officials ordered them to be stripped naked and beaten with sticks. Acts 16:23 after he beat many sticks, he put them in prison and told the jailer to guard them strictly. Acts 16:24 When the jailer received this order, he put them in the inner prison and put their feet on wooden dogs. Acts 16:25 About midnight, Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God, and all the prisoners listened. Acts 16:26 Suddenly the earthquake shook even the foundation of the prison. The prison door was completely opened at once, and all the prisoners' chains were loosened. Acts 16:27 The jailer woke up, saw the prison door fully open, thought the prisoner had escaped, and drew his sword and committed suicide. Acts 16:28 Paul shouted and said, don't hurt yourself, we are all here. Acts 16:29 The jailer called for a lamp, and the jailer jumped in and fell down trembling before Paul Silas. Acts 16:30 so he led them out and said, gentlemen, what should I do to be saved? Acts 16:3 1 They said that if you believe in the Lord Jesus, you and your family will be saved. Acts 16:32 and they told him and his whole family the word of the Lord. Acts 16:33 at that time that night, the jailer took them and washed their wounds. He and his people were immediately baptized. Acts 16:34 The jailer took them to his home and gave them a banquet. He and his family are very happy because they believe in God. Acts 16:35 at dawn, the official sent officers to say, let the two men go. Acts 16:36 and the jailer told Paul, saying, The magistrates have sent someone to release you. Now you can walk out of the prison and go safely.