What is Yu Qian's epitaph?

Generally, a loyal minister is a country, regardless of death or name. Do not hesitate to die, and then have the courage of a hero; I don't hesitate to be famous, and then there is the boredom of sages. The avalanche of the Yellow River is its courage; That is to say, it can be three thousand miles of floating soil, and a song of a thousand miles is boring. In the past, the change of civil engineering, the inauguration ceremony of the Northern Imperial Mausoleum, and the discussion that many people cried against the sparse and stopped moving to the south were called the teachers of the diligent king. Emperor Lu Yong went to Datong, arrived and went to the capital. Everyone went to the city to thank him and said,' Thanks to the spirit of the clan society of heaven and earth, the country has a monarch.' See Zuo Zhuan: Chu people ambushed chariots and held Song Gong hostage to cut the Song Dynasty. The son's eyes were stunned, and the Song people replied: Worship the spirit of the country, and the country has a monarch. The Chu people knew that although they held Song Gong hostage, they could not live in Song State, so they released Song Gong. Look at the biography of Lian Po again: the king of Qin forced the king of Zhao to meet Mianchi. Lian Po sent him to the border and said, "Wang Xing, you will repay the gift when you cross the street, but if you don't repay it within 30 days, please ask the prince and the king to avoid the king of Qin. Goodbye Wang Dan's biography: Khitan violated the border and the emperor was lucky to be in Zhangzhou. Dan said, "What if there is no good news in ten days?" The emperor was silent for a long time and said,' Set up a crown prince.' Among the three, mass reading is also effective. From the order, Gong is the eye of Song Dynasty; After that, the man is not Lian Po, but Dan. Why? Oh! Who doesn't know that Maoling was established and abolished, and then it was established? As we all know, is it from Wang Zhi, Li Kan and Zhu Ying? What about Zhong Tong and Zhang Lun? Covering up the situation with the public, some say it is inappropriate, and some say it is unnecessary. Yuling is in halogen, Maoling is in storage, so we must keep our father and welcome him as the emperor. It is impossible to fight, and it is impossible to make peace. This is not suitable for making salt water. Yuling came back, Wang Xi was ill, and heaven and man were one. Who else could she be? It's not Maoling. Who is it? It goes without saying that Ming led a hundred officials, invited the restoration of the DPRK, and waited respectfully for the opportunity. If Cao and Shi seize the door, this is a change, not a positive change; It's robbery, not post-game; This is a bureau of strategists, not a bureau of ministers of state. Or: What are you going to do? Oh! Where can I go? Public in Yuling, Maoling is also safe. If the public censures it and goes away, will the occlusion of the Nangong be like the sound of a candle shadow axe? Will Song Zhide not be exposed after the abolition of the East Palace? Although the public wants to transfer the younger brother of the king, it is a public service to protect my father and son. Other days, restored, is also a public service; Re-warehousing is also a public service. People can see what they see, but they can't see what they can't. Those who can see, the courage of heroes; Invisible, annoyed by sages. Dare to die, but suffocate in the tyrant, I mean it!