Requesting a collection of poems written by Jim Morrison, the lead singer of The Door~~

Jim Morrison is a poet, singer, and lyricist. It seems that the Chinese version of his collection of poems was published many, many years ago, and the only copy that still exists today is the only one. His music is full of poetry, using music to interpret poetry and poetry to interpret music. . His lyrics are also very poetic, you can also refer to them below.

I prefer these two clips:

Wild child, elegant child,

You are the savior of mankind.

Your cold face...

A natural child, a terrifying child;

You are not your parents’ child;

You scream wildly, you are our child,

The ancient barn,

The trees at night.

Her feet were filled with desire,

There was freedom in her eyes,

She danced on her knees,

The pirate prince was there Beside her.

Stare into the eyes of an empty idol.

Do you remember our time in Africa?

When you are a stranger, people are also strangers,

When you are lonely, people’s faces become ugly,

When you are Superfluous, women look so ugly,

When you are frustrated, even the road is rough.

When you are a stranger, your face emerges from the rain,

When you are a stranger, no one remembers your name.

When you are a stranger
