1, Kyle Gospel 1 1: 2: Tell them to go to the opposite village. As soon as you go in, you will find a pony tied there, which has never been ridden before. You can untie it and bring it here.
2. Gospel of Kyle 1 1: 3: If someone says to you, "Why did you do this?" You said, "mainly use it." This man will be taken to see you at once.
3. But 1 1: 4: When they went, they saw a colt tied to the street outside the door and untied it.
4. Mk. 11: 5 And some of those standing there said, Why are you untying the colt?
5. Mk. 11: 6: The disciples answered as Jesus said, and let them take it away.
6. Mk. 11: 7 And they brought the colt to Jesus, and put their clothes on it, and Jesus sat on it.
7. Gospel of Kyle 1 1: 8: Many people spread their clothes on the road, and some people cut branches from the fields and spread them on the road.
8. Mk. 11: 9: All the people who went before and after cried out, "Hosanna (originally meaning help, here is a blessing)! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
9. Mk. 11 10: Blessed is my father David's coming country! High above, scattered there!
10, Gospel of Kyle111:Jesus entered Jerusalem, entered the temple and looked around at all kinds of objects. It was getting late, and Jesus and his twelve disciples went out of the city to Bethany.
1 1, Kyle Gospel112: The next day, they came out of Bethany, and Jesus was hungry.
12, Gospel of Kyle113: If you see a fig tree with leaves in the distance, go there or look for something on it. When I got under the tree, I found nothing but leaves, because it was not the time to harvest figs.
13, Gospel of Kyle114: So Jesus said to the tree, from now on, no one will ever eat your fruit. His disciples also heard it.
Mk. 11 15: They came to Jerusalem. Jesus entered the temple and drove out the merchants in the temple, knocking down the tables of the money changers and the stools of the doves.