(Moses left Egypt from the Red Sea in the Old Testament) The Israelites first appeared in Canaan as sojourners, and their cultural development level was far lower than that of the local residents in Canaan. Only in the process of continuous conquest, they gradually approached the local cultural development level and began to form Israel, a political-religious complex. Later, in 922 BC, it split into two kingdom groups, and the southern group (namely southern Judah) had two tribes, named after the more powerful tribe Judah; The Northern Group (that is, the northern country of Israel) has 10 tribes and still maintains the name of Israel. Therefore, people living in southern Judah are called Jews; People living in northern Israel retain the title of Israel, so that Jews, like Israelis, have multiple meanings of race, nationality and even country.
Judge era
The Israelites (Jews) left Egypt and returned to Israel. After Moses died, Joshua led the Israelites. He led the Israelites to seize the land of Israel, such as the city of Jericho, and distributed twelve tribes and twelve territories. After Joshua's death, he entered the era of judges; It was a rather chaotic time. The so-called judge is actually just a brave military savior, not a great national leader. The last and relatively good judge is Samuel.
In the era of judges, although the Israelis moved to Israel and were called to have their own permanent residence, they could not settle down; In addition to the threats from the indigenous people who have been living in Palestinian areas (such as Hector, Sidon, ammari, etc.). ), Israelis have to face a major problem: tribes in Israel often fight with each other and even kill each other. These fratricidal acts left Israel with no time to deal with the Philistines and other powerful enemies, and laid a curse.
United Kingdom of Israel
From about 1030 BC, Israel changed from a time of judges to a kingdom. In England, there are three kings: Saul, David and Solomon.
Saul was the first king of the United Kingdom of Israel. He is brave and good at fighting, but he doesn't know much about governing the country; He only fought all his life, and even his own capital and palace were not established. From a religious point of view, he has offended God many times; So some Israelis, especially the Jewish tribes in the south. Finally, after Saul died in the war with the Philistines, the Israelites of the tribe of Judah anointed David of the tribe of Judah as king. In fact, David was anointed king by Samuel while he was alive. David can be said to be the most admired king of Israel, the symbol of the Jews, the star of David, representing King David. David used Jerusalem as his capital for the first time and repelled the Philistines. David died after 40 years in office, and his son Solomon succeeded him to the throne. Solomon inherited the great power left by David and built great buildings, including fortresses, palaces and the temple in Jerusalem. Solomon's rule can be said to be the culmination of the golden age in Israeli history, but after 40 years in office, his career ended in failure. When King Solomon was in power, he always demanded Dutch taxes from the people and squandered them, causing people's dissatisfaction with him, thus sowing the seeds of rebellion. Therefore, after his death, ten northern tribes immediately left the United Kingdom of Israel and were led by Jeroboam. The two tribes in the south are still led by Rehoboam son of Solomon. After that, the United Kingdom of Israel ended and the country was divided into Israel in the north and Judah in the south.
Northland Israel
Comments on the name of the king during his reign
Jeroboam BC93 1~9 10 Founding monarch
Nadbc910 ~ 909/
Bazaar BC909~886/
Ela BC886~885/
Xinli BC885 is only in office for 7 days.
Omri BC885~874/
Ahab BC874~853/
Ahaxie BC853~852/
Joholland BC852~84 1/
Yehu BC84 1~8 10/
Johas BC8 14~798/
Joshua 798 ~ 783 BC/
Jeroboam II BC783~743/
Zechariah ruled for only six months in 743 BC.
Sharon BC743 has only been in office for a month.
Menahem BC743~738/
Gaby ruled 738 ~ 737 BC/
Biga BC737~732/
From 732 BC to 723 BC in Hoshea, Samaria fell and the northern country, Israel, perished.
The founding monarch of Northland Israel was Jeroboam. Jeroboam was a servant of Solomon. He was responsible for repairing the walls of Jerusalem. Solomon was dissatisfied with Solomon because he was not very good to the workers at that time. Later, when he was walking through a field, he met the prophet Arcia at that time. Ahijah has always been very dissatisfied with Solomon's worship of foreign gods instead of the Lord. He told Jeroboam that he would lead ten tribes in northern Israel out of the rule of Judah. When Solomon learned about it, he immediately sent someone to kill Jeroboam. After Solomon's death, Jeroboam fled to Egypt and returned to Israel, leading ten northern tribes out of the rule of Judah.
Israel, the northern country, perished in only 2 10 years, mainly because the area north of Israel is dominated by plains, which is easy to attack and difficult to defend, and it will easily be captured by people. In addition, the political situation in the north has been unstable (for example, Hu Ya himself became king after the coup; He himself was not a member of the royal family), which led to his final rapid death.
Southern Judah
Comments on the name of the king during his reign
Rehoboam BC93 1~9 13/
Abby BC 9 13 ~ 9 1 1/
Asa BC9 1 1~870/
Josapha 870 ~ 848 BC/
YolandBC 848 ~ 84 1/
He has only been in office for a year.
Queen azalia BC84 1~835/
Joash BC835~796/
yamashe BC 796 ~ 78 1/
Uxiya BC78 1~740/
Jotan BC740~736/
Ahas BC736~7 16/
Hezekiah BC7 16~687/
Manaxi BC687~642/
Modify BC642~640/
Josiah 640~609 BC/
He has only been in office for three months.
Joyajing BC609~598/
He has only been in office for three months.
In July 598-587 BC or 586 BC, Jerusalem fell and the kingdom of Judah perished (the exact year is disputed).
The founding monarch of southern Judah was Rehoboam son of Solomon. Basically, all monarchs are descendants of David, except for queen Athaliah and Zedekiah, who are not David's family. Therefore, it can be said that the political situation in southern Judah was relatively stable at that time. In addition, there are more wise monarchs (such as Asa and Hezekiah) than in the north. In addition, Judah, a big country, is located in the hilly area, so it is easier to station in the north, thus prolonging the country. The countries in the south have a history of 344 years.
Babylonian exile
After the fall of Jerusalem, Jews were brought to Babylon in large numbers, leaving only some old, weak and sick Jews. Although Jews were exiled to other places at that time, they did not forget their religion and culture, and still held various religious activities under the leadership of some priests and Levites, and began to build synagogues. In other words, after Babylon was destroyed by Medes (539 BC), King Seru ordered the Jews to return home to rebuild their homes, and many Jews returned to Israel. Finally, they began to rebuild the temple in 520 BC, and rebuilt the Jerusalem wall in 445-443 BC.
Rebuild Jerusalem
When the Jews returned to Jerusalem for reconstruction, they were mainly led by local official Nehemiah and priest Ezra. In other words, in the process of reconstruction, foreigners living nearby often stop it, but in the end Jerusalem was rebuilt. Then Ezra led the Jews to read the law and rebuild their faith.
Israel's period between the two covenants
However, Persia gradually declined and eventually lost Israel in 323 BC, which was ruled by Alexander of Greece. After Alexander's death, Israel was ruled by Ptolemy dynasty. The Ptolemaic dynasty was descended from a general of Alexander the Great, whose territory included Egypt. The Ptolemaic dynasty was very kind to Jews. At that time, Jews not only had religious freedom, but also many foreigners under Ptolemy believed in Judaism. The first Greek translation of the Old Testament was a 72-year translation. In order to compile the books in the library of Alexandria, the Ptolemy dynasty invited a group of rabbis to translate the Old Testament, which took 72 years to complete. However, due to Ptolemy's weakness, Israel was occupied by the Segurius dynasty in 198 BC. The Segurius dynasty is the descendant of another general of Alexander the Great, whose territory includes Turkey and Syria. Contrary to Ptolemy, they banned the religious freedom of Jews, and even put the gods of Zeus in the temple, asking Jews to worship the Greek gods. Finally, these acts aroused the resistance of the Jews. Finally, the Jews, led by Maccabees, a descendant of the priest, drove away the troops of Sigulius dynasty in 166 BC, and the Maccabee dynasty began. The first king of Maccabee Dynasty was Judas Maccabees, who personally led the troops to repel Segurin's army four times. After the death of Judas, his younger brother Jonathan temporarily succeeded to the throne, but was killed by an officer who wanted to seize power. Simon, another brother of Judas, acted immediately, because the Sigulius dynasty at that time was unable to regain control of Israel, and he hoped to sign a peace treaty with the new king. From then on, Sigurus never invaded Israel again. During the reign of Simon, Israel enjoyed a short period of prosperity. However, in the end, he died at the hands of a power grab named Dolly Buy. However, his son John Huerkang outsmarted him and became the ruler. Under the rule of John Hulcon, the territory expanded continuously, including Ishmael, Samaria and Libya. He beautified Jerusalem and issued coins for the first time. In 105 BC, John Huerkang died and was succeeded by Alex Dobl I, but less than a year later, he was succeeded by Alexander Jeanne until 87 BC. They also hated the Pharisees and favored Sadducees, so the Pharisees were severely persecuted. Later, Alexandra, the wife of Alexander Jenny, took over. She was a Pharisee, which in turn suppressed Sadducees. She died in 69 BC, and her two sons, Xu Erkang II and Alex Dobl II, fought for the throne for six years, and both lost. Their infighting created opportunities for the Romans. In 63 BC, Pompeii led the army to capture Jerusalem, and the Jewish independence ended.
Roman Empire+Jesus
After the Roman Empire occupied Palestine, General Pompeii first made Xu Erkang, who supported him, the ruler of the Jews, but did not make him king. In addition, Jews were ordered to pay taxes to Rome every year. In other words, the exiled Alex Dobl II fled back to Palestine, and then a civil war broke out to seize power. During this period, Pompey also sent Ishmael's Antipat as a consultant to help him fight against Alexander Dobl II. Later, in 48 BC, after Pompeii died in the power struggle between Faisal and Julius Caesar, Antipat immediately changed his position and supported Caesar, making him the governor of Judah, with a higher position than Xu Erkan. At the same time, Caesar showed great tolerance towards Jews and gave them religious freedom. With Caesar's support, Antipat became the most powerful person in Palestine. He is completely loyal to Rome. In other words, the Jews hated him because he was an Ishmaelite, a descendant of their former sworn enemy. So I was poisoned after a year in office. His son Herod took over as governor. Three years later, Caesar was murdered in Rome.
Herod was born in 74 BC and died in AC4. In his life as a politician and ruler, he was more able to represent the Roman government in dealing with Jews than anyone else. After Caesar's death, Rome was ruled by three high school students: Octavian, Anthony and Lepidus. East Syria was ruled by Anthony, and Herod became Anthony's subordinate. Anthony was happy for Herod, which helped Herod a lot. At this time, there was another civil war in Judea, and Herod hurried to Rome to ask Anthony for instructions. Herod persuaded Anthony that only Herod himself could maintain the order in Palestine and asked Anthony to appoint him as the supreme ruler of all Judea.
Herod was regarded as a sly and shameless man, who consolidated his territory in Judea all day. The achievements of these things were also established through assassination and conspiracy. Even, many people in his family died at his hands. Even his beloved wife, Mary Anne, was killed by him. After her death, Herod regretted it so much that he almost went crazy. His rule is terrible. From what historians tell us, we can know that in the last days, his rule was too terrible to be described in words.
At about AC 1, Jesus Christ was born in this terrible era. After his death, his disciples first established a church in Palestine, started Christianity, and made Jerusalem a missionary center of early Christianity. In other words, early Judaism regarded Christians as heresy (some orthodox Jews still regard Christianity as heresy), so they persecuted and even killed Christians, so many Christians left Judah and went to foreign cities such as Antioch and Alexandria to start preaching to foreigners. Finally, Christianity has completely become the religion of foreigners.
After the rebellion of Palestinian Jews was suppressed in AC 135, the Romans expelled all Jews from Palestine, and the Jews began a great diaspora for nearly two thousand years. Only a few Jews can hide in the mountains of Palestine and still be alive. At the same time, in the late 1 century, the missionary base of Christianity had been transferred from Jerusalem to Antioch, Alexandria, Rome and other foreign cities in the Roman Empire, with more and more foreigners, but fewer Jewish believers. Coupled with the persecution of Christianity by the Roman Empire (the most terrible persecution was during the reign of Diocletian and Nero in Xiu De), the activities of Christianity in Judah also decreased. In other words, after Christianity established the state religion of the Roman Empire in AC3 13, Christianity in Judah became active again. Before the Islamic Empire occupied Jerusalem, Christians in the Roman Empire were free to make pilgrimages to Jerusalem.
The rise of Islam
After the establishment of Islam in the seventh century, it expanded at an alarming rate. After controlling the whole Arabian Peninsula in 632 AD, Islam wanted to attack two declining countries in the north: the Roman Empire and the Persian Kingdom. In the past, the two countries were hostile to each other. At that time, Rome was divided into the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire, and it was still busy dealing with the German rebellion, which created opportunities for the Islamic Empire. In 6 19, after the Islamic occupation of Jerusalem,
Established in 1948.
After the death of King Solomon, the greatest king of Israel, the kingdom of Israel was divided into Judaism in the south (that is, southern Judah) and Israel in the north (that is, northern Israel). By 722 BC, northern Israel was destroyed by Assyria and southern Judah by Babylon, so Jews began to wander around the world. From 722b BC to AD 1948a, Israel's territory (present-day Palestine) was occupied by many countries, and Jews wandering around the world suffered all kinds of persecution. Under the strong will of founding a country, 1897 established the world Jewish nationalist organization and actively participated in the will of founding a country.
Conflict and opposition
Before the First World War, the Turks occupied the Palestinian areas, and the First World War broke out in 19 14. Because of the alliance between Turkey and Germany, Britain used Arabs to resist Turkey and promised to establish an independent Arab kingdom including Palestine after the war. At this time, the Jewish state was supported by Britain. In June, the British Foreign Secretary issued the Baffo Declaration191711:The British government supported the Jews to establish a national homeland in Palestine and made efforts to achieve this goal. So the Jews returned to Palestine to buy land and prepare for long-term settlement. In 1860, there were only 12000 Jews in this area, but by 1922, there were 84000 Jews, and they bought a lot of land.
The conflict and opposition between Israel and Arab countries are increasing day by day, which makes the British government please both sides. The British government accepted the jurisdiction of the League of Nations on April 25th, 1920. In July, the British government put forward a partition plan, 1946, but it was opposed by both sides. The following year 10, the General Assembly adopted another partition plan, which the Jews reluctantly agreed to, but the Arabs resolutely opposed out of their living areas and religious feuds. Britain had previously indicated that if the Arab-Israeli sides could not accept the proposal of the General Assembly, Britain would withdraw its troops and hand over the appointment right on May 1948. The Arab League, meeting in Lebanon on August 1947, decided that if the General Assembly passed the partition plan, it would secretly send troops to Palestine, thus triggering the first Israeli-Arab war.
When the General Assembly adopted the partition plan from 65438 to 0947, the unrest in Palestine began to expand. Although Jews are only a minority, they are highly educated and well organized. Although they don't have a name, they already have a perfect national organization, so they really have an advantage in the turmoil. Before the first Israeli-Arab war broke out, Arabs near Jewish settlements were expelled or controlled.
1948 May 14 Britain terminated its trusteeship over Palestine, and the next day, Israel immediately declared its founding, with Ben Gurion as its first prime minister. Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq sent troops to Palestine under the pretext of maintaining order. Israel rose up to resist, and the war between Israel and Afghanistan officially began.
On March 28th, 2006, the Knesset elections were held. Kadima Party won 28 of the 120 seats, Labour Party won 20 seats, Shas Party won 13 seats, Bitana Israel Party won 12 seats, Likud Group won 1 1 seats, and Religious National Party won 9 seats. Bible On May 4th, Olmert, former chairman of Kadima Party, was sworn in as the new government. The new government is temporarily composed of four political parties: Kadima Party, Labour Party, Shas Party and Retirees' Union, with 67 seats in Parliament, totaling 120 seats.