"Young China" Liang Qichao (excerpt)
So the responsibility today does not lie with others, but with my young man. If young people are wise, the country will be wise; if young people are rich, the country will be rich; if young people are strong, the country will be strong; if young people are independent, the country will be independent; if young people are free, the country will be free; if young people make progress, the country will progress; if young people are better than Europe, the country will be better than Europe; if young people are strong on the earth, then the country will be better than Europe. The country is proud of the earth. When the red sun rises, its path shines brightly. The river flows out and flows into the ocean. The hidden dragon soared into the abyss, its scales and claws flying. The tiger roars in the valley, and all the beasts are frightened. The falcon tests its wings, and the wind and dust absorb it. The first birth of a strange flower is so beautiful. The cadres have hair and their awns are shining. The sky wears its green color, and the earth wears its yellow color. Even though there are thousands of years, there are eight desolations. The future is like an ocean and the days ahead are long.
How beautiful that my young China never grows old like the sky! How great is my Chinese youth, who has no borders with my country!