Original text: "Words of the Sun"
Open your windows
Open your doors
Let me in, let I go in
Into your hut
I bring a golden bouquet
I bring the fragrance of the forest
I With light and warmth
I am covered with dew
Get up quickly, get up quickly
Raise your head from the pillow
< p>Open your eyes covered by eyelashesLet your eyes see my arrival
Let your hearts be like small wooden houses
Open their windows that have been closed for a long time
Let me fill the space of your hearts with bouquets, fragrance, light,
warmth and dew
Background: The author was in this historical period: China was in the midst of a great transformation. On the one hand, all the old forces represented by the Kuomintang reactionaries and the forces of foreign invaders want to push China into darkness; on the other hand, the revolutionaries and the working people want to smash the old society and build a bright and free new one. The world
The author felt the coming of hope, so he wrote this poem. It reflects people's expectations and desires for light at that time, and illustrates the strong desire of society at that time to transform the old system and build a new world.