Poetry of World of Warcraft

WOW poem - "Watch" - dedicated to all comrades who WOW because of broken love

I am waiting for you, day after day.

From the time I appeared on the shore of the Echo Islands

To the time I held my head high in front of Illidan Stormrage

From the time I received Thrall's blessing


I extinguished Zul'jin's fanatical evil thoughts

But you still didn't show up

I waited for you, day after day.

From when I was bathed in the wrathful flames beneath Orgrimmar

To when I opened the rusty door bolt of Karazhan

From when I was in the Scarlet Cathedral After the couple's words, I suddenly thought of you

To the dull look on Romeo's face when I saw him wearing "No Fate"

But you still didn't show up

I wait for you, day after day.

Open the portal back home for the lost passers-by

Distribute the remaining cookies before going offline

Just because my similar kind deeds in real life make you laugh Be brilliant

But you still haven’t appeared

I’m waiting for you, day after day.

I visited almost all the wise men and chiefs

There are Timbermaw, Zandalari, and even Mag'har

But there is still not half a rich man. The answer to value

At this time, you still have not appeared

I am waiting for you, day after day.

The archdruids of Thunder Bluff and Moonglade won’t allow me to enter the Emerald Dream to find you

I don’t want to turn to the mysterious and high-profile shaman for help

The goblins of Gadgetzan even told me that engineering is the highest in life

The alchemists of the Royal Apothecary Society even sold me potions for hallucinations

Every time, I feel you getting further and further away

I wait for you, day after day. and You slept outdoors by the lake in Stranglethorn Vale

And you leaned on the ankles of ancient stone statues

But you still didn’t show up

I waited for you, day after day. one day.

I am lonely and stay in Dalaran

The only thing that keeps me company is the numerous volumes of arcane books

At this time, I want to leave the Illidari. Emblem

Put on the linen shirt you sewn by yourself

But you still didn’t show up

I’m waiting for you, day after day.

When Azshara's maple leaves fell on the mountain streams of Felwood

When Darnassus's drift bottle ran aground in Booty Bay

When Tanari A clear spring appeared in the yellow sand of Sri Lanka

When the green-skinned orcs returned to Nagrand with the sound of drums

You may still not appear

Maybe One day

My most loyal Netherwing began to get tired of flying

I myself cannot recall my most glorious moments

Death is coming to me When my life is as ordinary as ordinary

I would like to turn into a twig of the World Tree

Watching you and the tomorrow of Azeroth

Though we break up It's been a year, but I still feel bad. Fight with your comrades.