How to resist the Sacaze raid of tomorrow's Ark integration strategy?
Initially, there will be two big shield penalty stations, one to the right of the last blood point and one at the next blood point.
W came as soon as he came out, walked around, entered the house and entered the portal for a long time.
There will be Sakazar swordsmen and big sword rushing home in the middle, and the big sword still hurts.
For those who have six powerful thugs (real silver chop, volcano, light, shadow, overload, etc. ), the difficulty is simple.
For those who don't: the difficulty is relatively simple.
That's a good idea. When you call here, you usually have a big brother. The difference lies in whether there are two masters, 1 or two bosses.
When W enters the first portal, he will fish for a long time. People with decisive skills will kill two big shields before W enters the first portal. No, I will play with W after W enters the portal to clean up W's brother.