Introducing cuckoo blood

Blood-like rhododendron (scientific name: rhododendron


franch.): an evergreen small shrub, 1.5-3 meters high; gray-white bark; young branches Stout, densely covered with light rusty down. The leaves are leathery, oblong to obovate. Bright dark green above, white undercoat. Terminal umbel with 6-8 flowers; corolla is tubular bell-shaped, fleshy, 3-5 cm long, 3.5-4 cm in diameter, deep red to purple, with 5 flowers at the inner base. Dark nectary sac, 5 lobes, nearly round. The capsule is spherical and oval, ribbed, and densely covered with red rust-colored hairs. The flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from August to September. Born in alpine shrubs or mountain tops and valleys at an altitude of 3200-4000 meters. Produced in western Yunnan, China. It can be planted under coniferous forests in the garden, on rocky hillsides, in moist shrubs or on lawns. It is extremely beautiful during the blooming season. This species is artificially cultivated because of its beautiful flowers and bright colors. It is the female parent of many hybrid varieties and has high ornamental value.

(Overview Image 1)