Dates grow almost everywhere except in high altitude areas and Zufar, while coconut trees grow in the coastal areas of Zufar. The main cereals are wheat, sorghum, barley and millet. Rice supplements wheat as a food ration, but it is rarely cultivated locally. A few places, such as Abyan near Aden, are suitable for growing cotton. Compared with vegetables, Arabs generally prefer fruits, especially watermelons, pomegranates and dates. Al-Buraymi is famous for producing mangoes, and Arabs also produce figs, grapes, bananas, fairy fruits and other fruits. Oasis is also rich in citron and Java almonds.
There are few trees. The clumps of juniper trees in the southwest highlands are a bit like real forests. Drought-tolerant tamarisk is usually planted in rows to prevent quicksand erosion. The leaves of various trees called "hamd" contain enough salt to meet the needs of camels. Perennial tough plants are as important to human survival as annual tender plants are moistened by rain in spring and winter.