Does anyone know what is the background music of Chris Lee riding Mobidick in Hunan Satellite TV 080706? It's like a hymn

There is a way.

7973 ode to the virgin Mary

7778' s closest friend



Love keeps us together.

5970 god's scripture

5 134

Know your gift.

5042 loving mother's heart

4764 Where is Love (Taize)


A loving mother's heart

I love you the most.

3786 leakage curve

376 1

Truth rainbow

370 1 Everything is in the sky except you.

I need you, Jesus.


Love in the wind

Your kindness is higher than the mountain.

3220 dedicates his life.


Follow him

3065 search

Goodbye, 3042! pay high attention to


My heart beats only for you.

2886 miss the things in the sky

Hail Mary of God.



My soul is happy in the Lord.

2763 hallelujah.


Peace of the Lord

2744 is broadcast in this world

Trees planted by the stream


a dream comes true

Call on the holy spirit

Who can climb the holy mountain of the Lord?


Medal of honor cross

We are the young leaders of Jesus Christ.

2573 calls for youth


Lord Jesus, I love you.

People who believe will have miracles.

The virgin Mary is sad for your loss of your son.


Song of praise

You are my baby.

The power of the holy spirit


Bright morning star, the river of life

Those who look to the Lord will gain new strength.

God, I believe you.


Love in the wind

I will praise you with joyful lips.

2465 miracle of the holy spirit


Pray for the happiness of the Virgin Mary.

Your hair has been counted by the gods.

2444 follows you


I will praise and worship you.

Praise the main theme

24 16 straighten the main road


Dad, dad. Please have mercy on us!

2402 has an appointment with you.

2386 Holy Spirit


My shepherd

Almighty and eternal God

The holy name of the Lord Jesus


I do

2338 new life

2338 except you


The kingdom of Christ

I will praise God.

2322 The fruit of the Holy Spirit

23 18

Be with the Lord

Oh, my god Why did you abandon me?

230 1 Don't be afraid


new heaven and new earth

Love is immortal.

Holy spirit arrival


The Lord purified me.

Please come here.

Only you are my Lord.


Return my oath

I want to sing.

Almighty God


Run with you

Come on, come with me.

God is light.


God of life

I only ask one thing in my life.

My heart is ready.

22 15

My ABBA, my heavenly father

Who is Jesus?

Worship in Act 2204

2 198

I do

2 194 be happy all the time

Do you know 2 194?

2 193

Repent! People of god

2 188 walking on the sea

Meet in the name of the Lord

2 162

Ask me.

2 159 songs in songs

2 158 I want everything you give and everything you want.

2 157

Except you

Praise the Lord for his salvation.

Come before the Lord

2 149

You need to give it to you.

Pigeon eyes hidden behind veil

Panshi city, whom I rely on wholeheartedly.

2 137

Rejoice and praise the Lord

I will always trust you.

2 129 love ABBA

2 1 18

God is ready for those who love him.

Salute the Lord

2 1 10 Lord's promise

2 109

The world belongs to me.

2 107 zizan Zhu Ming

2 106 Only the name of the Lord is to be praised.

2 106

All the works of god

Lord, Maria

2 103 God is a warrior.

2 102

be surrounded by hills

Serve the Lord happily.

2 100 Worship before the throne


Let me experience you.

Worship before the throne in 2006 (Repri.

The throne of grace in 1992