The flag on the box when they rushed for the exam suggested that they took the exam according to the emperor's will. They are powerful people. On the other hand, if they are going to disappear, the government will definitely track them down. So when they see these flags, the robbers along the way will let them go.
In fact, these robbers are not necessarily willing to rob these scholars. These poor scholars have less money, which is not enough for their labor.
The imperial examination system was one of the most influential systems in ancient China, which broke the rule of closed official sources. It also brings hope to the people at the bottom. The participation of ancient scholars in the imperial examination was also a layer-by-layer selection, and its difficulty was not simpler than the current college entrance examination.
In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the imperial examination was divided into four levels, the lowest level was the imperial examination, and then it could become a scholar. However, the transportation in ancient times was extremely inconvenient, and it took a long time to prepare for the first-level exam. And most of the time on the way to catch the exam.
Generally, poor scholars don't have much money to support themselves to stay in Beijing for a long time, so they have to count the time to go to Beijing. Whether they have money or not to rent a means of transportation, such as ox carts and horse-drawn carriages. Still have no money to hurry, and will carry a book box. A flag will be planted on the bookshelf. The books in the book are all books that Beijing is preparing for the exam.