1, there is less leisure at home, and people are twice as busy in May. In the evening, the south wind rises and the wheat turns yellow. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, accompanied by pot pulp, went with the battlefield, and Ding Zhuang was in Nangang. It is full of rustic heat, burning the back and burning the sun, not knowing the heat, cherishing the long summer. There was a poor woman with her son by her side, an ear in her right hand and a basket hanging from her left arm. Listening to his words of concern is very sad.
My family's taxes are gone, so I can take this to satisfy my hunger. Today, I have no merit, and I have never worked in farming and mulberry. There are three hundred stones in the land, and there is surplus food at the age of eight. I am ashamed to read this in private, and I can't forget it every day.
At noon on the day of weeding, sweat dripped down the soil. Who knows that every grain of Chinese food is hard?
3. Open every stone and touch the memories of the mountain. What year and month did this happen? When I entered my twilight years, I felt the pulse of history. A stone turtle carrying a scroll. The moment I climbed out of the threshold in the sun and looked at the ants, I understood the meaning of life. The bug that stayed on the skin for a long time awakened the nerve and died silently. I'm holding an arm.
Unconsciously changed the color of the sun, many years later, I will still remember that night, and when I entered the field of vision of western Western jackdaw, I became snow on a few dead branches.
In autumn, the season turns red. These simple plants are kind and touching, expressing some thoughts and feelings. The ancient rain rooted in the yellowed history books came in, and the breath of cattle and horses floated into the distance. We gathered feelings and time, planted fleeting youth love, and buried it in the moonlight for a simple breath.
After completing a historical process, we sat on a plant and went home, imagining the scene at the beginning of the storm. On a sunny day, we walked in, slept in the soil and fragrance, and the harvest came in with tiny steps. Behavior in life is difficult.
5. In the middle of the night, the children were in a hurry to plow the fields, and the cows gradually could not walk. When people don't know the hardships of farmers, they will say that Tanaka was born.
6. Plant a millet in spring and harvest 10,000 seeds in autumn. There is no waste of heaven and earth, and the toiling peasants are still starving to death.
7. In the middle of the night, the children were screaming and plowing, and the cows could hardly walk. When people don't know the hardships of farmers, they will say that Tanaka was born.