I advise you not to eat March crucian carp, there are thousands of fish in your stomach. I advise you not to shoot the three-spring bird. My son is waiting for his mother to come back in the nest to advise you not to eat the three-spring frog. One hundred lives are in your stomach. Spring is blooming, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and there is a folk saying that "don't play three spring birds". Sanchun refers to Meng Chun, Zhongchun and Ji Chun. Birds usually lay eggs and hatch at this time. When a bird is killed, a nest of birds dies. Spring is the most active season for migratory birds, and it is also the key period for bird breeding. If people hunt them at this time, it will definitely do harm to the survival and reproduction of bird populations.
In addition, many birds also peck at garbage, weed seeds and animal carcasses, which plays an irreplaceable role in eliminating pests and purifying the environment. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "three spring birds cannot be hunted". Spring is the most active season for migratory birds, and it is also the key period for bird breeding. If people hunt them at this time, it will definitely do harm to the survival and reproduction of bird populations.