What are the living habits of ladybugs?

Ladybug is a common insect. Most ladybugs can help people control pests, among which ladybugs are the most familiar ones.

Ladybugs are colorful. Its wings are red and there are seven small black spots on its back. The shell of its head is round and looks like the Arabic numeral "8". The shell on its back is oval, and it has two wings when it is opened, so it can fly around and move freely.

The stripes on the ladybug are not only beautiful, but also show its age. When ladybugs are just adults, their shells are mostly pale yellow or reddish, and slowly they show black stripes. So you can know who is older and who is younger by looking at the color of ladybugs.

Ladybugs have the habit of collective migration. Every May and June, they go to the north of our country. Sometimes, the local coast is covered with dense ladybugs, which makes them look reddish.

Ladybug is called "Sister Flower" because of its beauty, and it is also a famous insect catching expert. It works very hard in gardens and crops day and night, looking for and killing aphids on every crop and making crops grow healthily, so ladybugs are good guardians of crops.

Ladybugs can catch pests, but how can they escape when they meet enemies? They have their own set of stunts. The bright fur of ladybugs can scare away many natural enemies. When other insects want to prey on them, they will shrink their feet and throw themselves on the ground for a long time-pretending to be dead. In addition, ladybugs will secrete unpleasant smells to smoke away enemies!