Pinyin handwritten newspaper template is concise and beautiful.

Initial: the pronunciation is light, b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s y w 23.

Vowel: pronounced loudly: a o e i u ü ai ei i ao ou iu ie ü ee er an un ng eng 24.

Overall recognition syllables: Zhi Chi Shi Li Zi Ci Yi Gi Wu Yu Yu Ye Yuan Yinyunying 16.

Monovowel: Pronunciation is loud and long. a o e i u ü 6。

Compound vowel: ai ei ui ao ou iu ie ue er 9.

Pronasal vowel: an en in un ün 5

After nasal vowel: eng ing ong 4.

Er is a special vowel, sometimes classified as a compound vowel and sometimes as a special vowel alone.