1. The Tenth Confucius in the Analects of Confucius says: "Isn't it true to say that one learns and practices from time to time? Isn't it a joy to have friends come from afar? Isn't it a gentleman if a person doesn't feel embarrassed if he doesn't know?" Zengzi said: "I have to examine myself three times: Have I been unfaithful in my dealings with others? Have I not learned from others?" Confucius said, "You can become a teacher by reviewing the past and learning the new." Learning without thinking is useless, thinking without learning is dangerous. "Confucius said: "You know what you know! If you know something, you know it, and if you don't know it, you don't know it." Confucius said: "If you see a good person, you will think about it, but if you don't know it, you will know it." A wise man must reflect on himself. "Zeng Zi said: "When three people are walking, they must have a teacher. Choose those who are good and follow them, and change those who are bad." Zengzi said: "A scholar must not be ambitious and carry out heavy tasks. Isn't it too important to be benevolent? Isn't it too far to just die? "Huh?" Confucius said: "Forgive me! Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you." 2. Peach Blossom Spring In the Taiyuan Dynasty of Tao Yuanming, the people of Wuling were engaged in fishing. Walking by the stream, I forget how far the road is. Suddenly I came across a peach blossom forest, hundreds of steps across the bank. There were no trees in the middle, the grass was delicious, and the fallen flowers were colorful. Fishermen are very different. Going forward again, I want to exhaust the forest. When the forest reaches the water source, there is a mountain with a small mouth, as if there is light. Then he left the boat and entered through the mouth. At first he was extremely narrow, but only then did he understand people. After walking dozens of steps, I suddenly became enlightened. The land is flat and vast, with well-groomed houses, fertile fields, beautiful ponds, mulberry trees, and bamboos. There is traffic on the streets, and chickens and dogs hear each other. Among them, the men and women are dressed like outsiders. His yellow hair hangs down, and he is contented with himself. When he saw the fisherman, he was shocked and asked where he had come from. Have an answer. Then he returned home, where he set up wine and killed chickens for food. Hearing about this person in the village, Xian came to inquire. Ziyun's ancestors fled the chaos of the Qin Dynasty and led his wife's people to this desperate situation. He never came back and was separated from outsiders. When I ask what era this is, I don’t know whether there was the Han Dynasty or the Wei and Jin Dynasties. What this person said one by one made everyone sigh. The rest of the people went to their homes again, where they all had wine and food. Stop for a few days and resign. One of the people said: "It's not enough to teach outsiders." Once he got out and got his boat, he helped him to the road and looked for it everywhere. When he went to the county, he went to the prefect and said so. The prefect immediately sent people to follow him in search of his desired direction, but he became lost and could no longer find his way. Liu Ziji of Nanyang, a noble scholar, heard about it and went there happily. Without success, he ends up seeking illness. After that, no one cared. 3. Three Gorges Li Daoyuan Seven hundred miles from the Three Gorges, there are mountains on both sides of the river, with no gaps. The mountains are stacked with layers of rocks, hiding the sky and blocking out the sun. At midnight in Feiting, there is no bright moon. As for Xiashui Xiangling, it is blocked along the way. Or if the king's order is urgently announced, sometimes he will send the White Emperor in the morning and arrive at Jiangling in the evening. During the journey of 1,200 miles, even if he rides on the wind and rides on it, he will not be sick. In spring and winter, the green pool is green and the reflection is clear. In the mountains there grow many grotesque cypresses, in the mountains, with springs and waterfalls hanging down between them. They are clean, majestic and luxuriant, making it a lot of fun. Every sunny and frosty day, in the cold woods and austere streams, the tall apes often scream and scream, which is very bleak and bleak. Therefore, a fisherman sang: "The Badong Three Gorges and the Wu Gorge are long, and the apes cry three times and shed tears on their clothes." 4. Record of a night tour at Chengtian Temple. On the night of October 12th, the sixth year of Yuanfeng, Su Shi took off his clothes and was about to fall asleep, and the moonlight entered Household, set off happily. Thinking of nothing and being happy, I went to Chengtian Temple to look for Zhang Huaimin. Huai Min also stayed up and walked with each other in the atrium. Under the courtyard, the sky looks like accumulated water, with algae and waterlilies intertwined in the water, covered with bamboo and cypress shadows. What night is there without a moon? Where are there no bamboos or cypresses? But there are few idle people like the two of us. 5. Cao GUI's Debate "Zuo Zhuan" In the spring of the tenth year, Qi troops attacked me. The general is fighting, and Cao GUI invites him to see him. His countrymen said: "Meat-eaters plan for it, so what's the point?" GUI said: "Meat-eaters are despicable and cannot plan far." So he came to see him. Asked: "Why fight?" The Duke said: "If you have enough food and clothing, you don't have to focus on it. You must divide people." He said to him: "The small benefits are not everywhere, and the people won't follow." The Duke said: "I don't dare to sacrifice jade and silk. Yes, it must be based on faith." He said to him, "If you have little faith, you will be blessed by God." The public said, "Even if you can't detect the greatness of the prison, you must be loyal to it." Fight. If you fight, please follow. The general will encourage him. GUI said: "It's not possible." Qi people drummed three times. GUI said: "That's all right." The Qi army was defeated. The general will gallop to him. GUI said: "It's not possible." Looking down at the path, he climbed up to Shi and looked at it, saying: "It's possible." Then he chased Qi Shi. After defeating him, the public asked why. He said: "Fighting requires courage. One burst of energy will be exhausted again, and three times it will be exhausted. I will be exhausted when I am full, so I can overcome it. It is difficult to predict a big country, and I am afraid of its dangers. I regard its path as chaotic, and hope that its flag will be swept away." " 6. Ma said that there was Bole in Han Yu's life, and then there was a thousand-mile horse. A thousand-mile horse often exists, but a bole does not always exist. Therefore, even though there is a thousand-mile horse, it will be carelessly grown and be dead in a stall, never being called as a thousand-mile horse. A horse that travels a thousand miles can eat as much grain or stone as it eats. Those who eat horses don’t know that they can travel thousands of miles and eat. Although this horse is capable of running a thousand-mile, it is not full of food, has insufficient strength, and its talent and beauty are not visible, and it is impossible to be equal to an ordinary horse. How can you expect it to be able to run a thousand-mile? If the horse is not driven according to the right way, if the food is not used to its full potential, if the sound of the horse is not clear, the horse will come upon it and say: "There is no horse in the world!" Woohoo! Is there really no horse evil? In fact, I really don’t know about horses. 7. A preface to Song Lian as a gift to Ma Sheng in Dongyang. I was fond of learning when I was young. The family was poor and had no way to write down the book for reading. Every time he borrowed it from a book collector, he would write it down by hand and count the days to return it. The weather is extremely cold, the inkstone is hard, and the fingers cannot be flexed or stretched, so do not be lazy. After recording, I went to see him off, not daring to exceed the appointment. Therefore, many people spend their spare time reading books, and I have to read all kinds of books. After being crowned, I admire the way of the sages. Also worried about the lack of masters and famous people traveling around, he often traveled hundreds of miles away to consult the scriptures from the pioneers in his hometown. The first Dade Long Wangzun, whose disciples filled his room, did not even lose his words. Yu Li waited on the left and right, leaning over to ask questions and ask questions; or when he was yelling at someone, he would become more respectful and courteous, not daring to say a word; when he was pleased, he would ask again. Therefore, although I am stupid, I have learned something.
When Yu Zhi followed his teacher, he carried his luggage and dragged his clothes while walking in the deep mountains and huge valleys. In the harsh winter, the wind is strong, the snow is several feet deep, and the skin of the feet is chapped without even realizing it. At the end of the house, the four limbs are stiff and unable to move. The nun holds the soup and fertilizes it, and covers it with a quilt. After a long time, it becomes harmonious. Living in the opposite direction, the owner eats again and again every day, and does not enjoy the taste of fresh fat. All the students in the same room were embroidered with silk, wearing hats decorated with pearls and jewels, a white jade ring on the waist, a sword on the left, and a sword on the right, looking like a god. Those who are happy enough don't know that the worship of words and bodies is not as good as others. Gai Yu's diligence is as difficult as this. 8. Fan Zhongyan from Yueyang Tower In the spring of the fourth year of Qingli, Teng Zijing was relegated to Baling County. In the next year, the government will be harmonious and people will be harmonious, and everything will be prosperous. Then the Yueyang Tower was rebuilt, its old structure was added, and poems by Tang Xian and modern people were engraved on it. It belongs to me to write down to record it. I watched my husband Baling's victory in a lake in Dongting. It carries distant mountains and swallows up the Yangtze River, which is a vast and boundless river. The sun shines brightly in the evening, and the scenery is endless. This is the grand view of Yueyang Tower, which has been described by predecessors. However, it is connected to Wu Gorge in the north and Xiaoxiang in the South Pole. Migrant poets and poets often meet here, and the feeling of looking at the things is the same? If the rain is falling, the moon is not open, the wind is howling, and the turbid waves are emptying; the sun and stars are hidden, and the mountains are invisible; business travel is not possible, and the rafts are toppled and destroyed; the dusk is dark, and the tigers roar and the apes cry. When climbing the tower, there are those who are nostalgic for their country, worried about slander and fear of ridicule, their eyes are full of desolation, and they feel extremely sad. When spring comes and the scenery is bright, the waves are calm, and the sky above and below is a vast expanse of blue; sand gulls gather in the sky, and the golden scales swim; the shore is covered with orchids, lush and green. Or when the long smoke disappears, the bright moon shines thousands of miles away, the floating light leaps into the gold, the silent shadow sinks into the jade, and the fishermen answer each other's songs, how wonderful is this joy! When you climb the tower, you will feel relaxed and happy, forgetting your favors and disgrace together, drinking wine in the wind, and you will be overjoyed. Sorry! I try to seek the benevolent heart of the ancients, or do it differently from the two, why? Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself; if you live high in a temple, you worry about its people; if you live far away in the rivers and lakes, you worry about your king. It means that you are worried when you advance, and you are also worried when you retreat. But when will you be happy? It must be said, "Be worried about the world's worries first, and be happy after the world's happiness." Alas! People from Weisi, who can I return to? It was September 15th, six years ago. 9. Ouyang Xiu from The Drunkard Pavilion Chu is surrounded by mountains. The peaks and ravines in its southwest are particularly beautiful. The one that looks awe-inspiring but deep and beautiful is Langya. After walking six or seven miles up the mountain, you gradually hear the sound of gurgling water flowing out between the two peaks, which is called Ningquan. On the winding road, there is a pavilion standing over the spring, which is called the Drunkard Pavilion. Who built the pavilion? The monk of the mountain is Zhixian. Who is named? The prefect calls himself. The prefect and his guests came here to drink. They often got drunk after drinking a lot, and he was the oldest, so he called himself the drunkard. The drunkard's intention is not in wine, but in the mountains and rivers. The joy of mountains and rivers is the wine contained in the heart. If the sun rises and the forest falls, the clouds return and the caves become dark, the changes in darkness and brightness are like morning and evening in the mountains. The wild fields are fragrant and fragrant, the beautiful trees are beautiful but densely shaded, the wind and frost are noble and pure, the water falls and the rocks emerge, these are the four seasons in the mountains. Going in the morning and returning at dusk, the scenery in the four seasons is different, and the joy is endless. As for the losers singing on the road, and the travelers resting in the trees, the former calls, and the latter responds, hunched over to support them, going back and forth without stopping, this is Chu people traveling. Fishing near the stream, the stream is deep and the fish are fat, the spring is brewed into wine, the spring is fragrant and the wine is tart, the mountain delicacies and wild assemblies are mixed and aged beforehand, it is also a feast for the prefect. The joy of a banquet is neither silk nor bamboo. The one who shoots is successful, the one who plays chess wins, the one who drinks and drinks mingled with each other, the one who sits up and makes a noise is the joy of all the guests. Anyone with pale face and white hair who seems to be slumped indicates that the prefect is drunk. The sun has set on the mountain, the figures are scattered, the prefect has returned and the guests have followed. The woods are dark, the songs are rising and falling, the tourists are gone and the birds are enjoying themselves. However, birds know the joy of mountains and forests, but they do not know the joy of people; people know the joy of traveling from the prefect, but they do not know the joy of the prefect. He who can enjoy himself when he is drunk and can write about it when he is awake is a prefect. Who does the governor call? Luling Ouyang Xiuye. 10. Zhuge Liang, the first emperor of Zhuge Liang, was not halfway through his business, but the middle road collapsed. Today, Yizhou is weak and exhausted. This is the autumn of the sincerity's survival. However, the ministers of the bodyguard are tireless at home, and the loyal people forget about themselves outside. This is because they want to repay the special experience of the late emperor to His Majesty. It is sincerely appropriate to open Zhang Shengting to honor the legacy of the late emperor and to magnify the spirit of the people with lofty ideals. It is not appropriate to belittle oneself, to use metaphors that are unjust, and to block the road of loyalty and admonishment. In the palace and in the mansion, they are all integrated into one body. There should be no differences or similarities between them. If there are those who commit crimes and are loyal and good, they should be punished and rewarded by a judge to show your majesty's common sense. It is not suitable to be partial and make different laws inside and outside. The ministers, such as Guo Youzhi, Fei Yi, Dong Yun, etc., are all good and honest, with loyal and pure aspirations. Therefore, the late emperor simply removed them and left them to Your Majesty. If you are stupid and think that all matters in the officialdom are no matter how big or small, if you consult them carefully and then implement them, you will definitely be able to make up for the deficiencies and benefit a lot. The general Xiang Chong was of good character and well-versed in military affairs. He tried to use it in the past. The late emperor called him Neng, and he was elected as the governor by consensus. Those who are foolish enough to think that if they know everything about the camp and consult it, they will be able to make the formation harmonious and gain the advantage and disadvantage. Being close to virtuous ministers and staying away from villains is why the early Han Dynasty prospered; being close to villains and being distant from virtuous ministers is why the later Han Dynasty declined. When the late emperor was still alive, whenever he discussed this matter with his ministers, he would always sigh and hate Huan and Lingye. The ministers, ministers, chief historians, and soldiers who have joined the army are all ministers who have learned about Zhenliang's death. I hope that your majesty will trust them, and the prosperity of the Han Dynasty will be calculated in the coming days. I am a commoner, working hard in Nanyang, surviving in troubled times, and not seeking to be heard by the princes. The late emperor did not think that his ministers were despicable, and he was in vain. He paid three visits to his ministers in the thatched cottage. The ministers were grateful for the affairs of the world, so they allowed the late emperor to drive away. Later, when the army was overthrown, I was appointed to the position when the army was defeated, and I was ordered to be in danger. You have been here for twenty-one years. The late emperor was cautious in informing his ministers, so he sent his ministers important information when he was about to die. Since receiving the order, I have been lamenting all night, fearing that the entrustment would not be effective and would damage the late emperor's wisdom, so I crossed to Shanghai in May and went deep into the barren area. Now that the south has been secured and the troops are sufficient, it is time to lead the three armies to the north to secure the central plains. We will exhaust the common people and the slaves, eliminate the traitors, revive the Han Dynasty, and return the old capital. This minister owes his duty to the late Emperor and to be loyal to His Majesty. As for considering profits and losses, and giving honest advice, then You Zhi, Wei and Yun are left to their own devices.
May your Majesty ask your ministers to bring the thieves back to life, and if that doesn't work, then you will be punished for their crimes, so as to appeal to the spirit of the late emperor. If there are no words to promote virtue, then blame You Zhi, Wei, Yun, etc. for their slowness, so as to show their fault; Your Majesty should also make plans for yourself, consult the good ways, and observe the good words. I deeply follow the late emperor's edict, and I am deeply grateful for the kindness. Now I should stay away. I am in tears and don’t know what to say.