After parting from my sister in Fuzhou and my buddies in Guangdong, I stayed in a hotel in Deqin County. In the evening, I was very devoted to chatting with my Hong Kong buddies riding Lhasa and drinking some wine. Besides, I was very tired today, and I got up late the next day. When I asked at the station, I really missed the bus to Lijiang. I only leave once a day. The bus driver looked at my mouth and said with some sympathy and regret, the bus has been driving for half an hour.
It was taken by Deqin on the bus to Lijiang. Through the glass, a series of static and isolated pictures are connected by speeding cars, showing a stranger her loneliness and beauty smoothly and vividly. The world is vast, the mind is boundless, the strange blue, the inexplicable sadness, the boundless loneliness and my tenacity make a person's travel very charming.
Remember Haizi's poems in Delingha;
Sister, I am in Delingha tonight, and the night is shrouded.
Sister, I only have Gobi tonight.
I am empty-handed at the end of the grassland.
I can't keep a tear when I am sad.
I returned the stone to the stone.
Let the victory of victory
Tonight, highland barley belongs only to himself.
Everything is growing.
I only have beautiful Gobi sky tonight.
Sister, I don't care about humans tonight, I just want you.
What a lonely and desperate cry this is! Facing the incomprehension and indifference brought by estrangement, what can a poet do except to fight against death, stick to his stone-like beliefs and use self-abuse to relieve his inner pain?