Most of them are wild and can be distinguished by taste. Their shadows are everywhere, but also their shadows, in groups of three or five, smiling and talking to Kan Kan, which is very leisurely. During his stay in Tomb-Sweeping Day, Jiangnan had the custom of eating green jiaozi. I tried to eat green balls made of wild hay juice before. The color of grass green is green, especially fragrant. The aftertaste is endless and soft, simple but endless. Wild hay is a bit like wheat. Wash it after cutting. Everyone should add a little water and rub it directly with their arms until it is rotten. Then they lit the paper paddle with lime.
My favorite fried wormwood steamed buns are made like this: fresh wormwood is harvested, cleaned, cooked, scalded for about 5 seconds, and taken out. After long-term cold perm, wormwood will turn yellow and lose its fragrance. The wormwood is too cold, so break it with a cooking machine. If there is no cooking equipment, you can cut it with a knife immediately. At this point, add an appropriate amount of glutinous rice flour to the treated wormwood to form glutinous rice, knead it flat with your hands, and fry it gradually with low fire until both sides are golden. Put it in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. It is usually called Jianli Zongzi, because it is green and round. From the perspective of raw materials and appearance, this is a name that is particularly suitable for the Green Alliance, but it has different names in different regions.
I can't do it. I came to Ningbo and learned it twice from my diligent next-door neighbor. Because I have some work experience. I learned some methods. Such as the selection and storage of wormwood. Now you can eat whatever you want. Turn the dough over the chopping board, pour some vegetable oil on the chopping board, get some oil on your body, knead the dough into smooth dough, and then wrap it in a fresh-keeping bag.