Is there anything similar or related to the holy grail?

Holy Grail: When Jesus had the last supper with the twelve disciples, there was nothing on the table. Jesus turned his body into bread and his blood into wine for everyone to eat, thus laying the foundation for the Christian Eucharist. Bread represents Jesus' body, and wine represents his blood. The cup used by Jesus and his disciples is the holy grail. Later, Jesus was killed by pagans, and the leader used this glass to hold Jesus' blood donation.

Ark: A portable wooden cabinet made by the Israelites in desert of sinai, which contains the Ten Commandments, a golden jar filled with magic and Aaron's flowering staff. This ark symbolizes the contract between God and Israel.

Holy Spear: Also known as the gun of Ron Girnus, the holy spear, also known as the gun of fate, the blood of Jesus is sacred.

The sacred foreskin is one of several relics left by Jesus. Historically, several churches in Europe claimed to have the foreskin cut by Jesus before his death, which is said to have magical power.

The shroud of Turin Jesus' shroud is a piece of linen in legend, which was used to wrap Jesus after he was crucified. (It was proved to be a fake in the 1980s)

True Cross (English: True Cross) is a Christian relic, which is said to be the wooden block on the cross used to execute Jesus Christ. It is said that it was discovered by Constantine the Great's mother, Saint Helena, when she made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land around 326.