Love is a natural need of human beings. People need to live in love, otherwise our life will be exhausted and we will feel meaningless. But in real life, the love people need cannot be satisfied, because we live in an incomplete world and come into contact with incomplete people. The world and people bring us harm, and also bring harm to the people around us. We live in incomplete love. And people have a natural need for complete love, and complete love can only be satisfied by a complete god.
Many human sufferings are caused by replacing God's love with something else.
Because of sin, we are isolated from God, so we can't get God's love, and there is no way for people to restore their relationship with God. Because people are in debt to God when they commit crimes, and we can't afford this debt ourselves.
Jesus Christ came to solve this problem that we can't solve by ourselves.
There is only one way to forgive human sins, and that is to believe in Jesus Christ.
We are called "righteous" by God because we believe that Jesus Christ is the "savior" sent by God.
Christianity does not talk about the existence of God, because the Bible has clearly told us.
The gospel we preach is not that there is only one God, but that this God loves you and me.
In order to repay your sins and mine, he gave us his beloved son, Jesus Christ, and let him come to this world to suffer for you and me and die on the cross. So that we "prodigals" can return to the embrace of our heavenly father and enjoy his complete love.
What Jesus Christ brings is not only that we will always be with him, but that from the moment we are chosen by God and know the only savior, we will begin to enjoy the complete love of this God until we die physically and enter the eternal presence of God.