Why does Zhongsuofa say that the wicked have no way to escape?

in chapter 11, we see a blind debate about ignorance.

Zofa was the third person to answer Job in the first debate.

Zofa was the third person to answer Job in the first debate. (1。 )

Second, I feel that Job is too vengeful

Zofa feels that Job is too vengeful, that his truth is impure, and that he is unclean before God; God has forgotten some of his sins.  (2~6。 )

The third lesson says that the Almighty God is infinite

Zofa taught Job that the Almighty God is infinite, as high as the sky, deeper than the grave, longer than the earth and wider than the sea, and no one can stop him from judging the vain, sinful and empty-minded people. (7~12。 )

In verse 12, Zofa says, "A man with an empty mind can gain knowledge, that is, the foal of a wild donkey is born like a man. This must not be traffic or loving words. Zofa means that Job is a man with empty mind and complete lack of knowledge. Zofa's contempt and ridicule here are too much, and he compares Job to the foal of a wild donkey. No wonder job blamed his friends for not showing kindness to him.

The fourth lesson taught Job that he should have peace of mind and raise his hand to God.

Zofa also taught Job that he should have peace of mind and raise his hand to God. If there is sin in his hand, he should remove it from a distance and not tolerate mistakes and live in his tent. Then he will lift up his face without blemish, and he will be strong and fearless; He will forget the pain; His days on earth are brighter than noon, and although there is darkness, it is still like morning; Because he has hope, he will be secure and will lie down in peace; But the eyes of the wicked will fail, and they have no way to escape; Their hope is to die. (13~2。 ) This is the lesson Zofa taught Job.

Zofa's understanding of man's position before God is completely blind, and his debate is based entirely on man's natural concept within the scope of morality, without any light of divine revelation about what man should be to God.