Toilet paper (letter) (Japanese name てがみ (信), Chinese name Yuanwang)
Lyricist: Real name Xingshu
Composer: Huang Jiaju
Arranger: Liang Bangyan
やさしくやさしく servant(ぼく)を见(み)てLook at me tenderly
君(きみ)はそっと目(め)を Close(と)じたYou slowly closed your eyes
Hold(だ)いてもhu(よ)んでも Answer(こた)えないhug you and call you but you didn’t respond
Heart(こころ)だけが成(のこ)されたOnly your heart is left
光(ひかり)がshot(さ)しこむ3月(さんがつ)の朝( あさ) The morning in March when the sun shines in
时(とき)は君(きみ)だけをつれてTime will only take you away
ゆらめきゆらめきfall(お)ち てくるSlowly falling
ビルのうえにめぐる雪(ゆき) Snowflakes flying on high buildings
soluble(と)けるな无(き)えるな Hand(て)のひらでDon’t melt, don’t disappear in the palm of my hand
Kun(きみ)がくれたToilet paper(てがみ)ならIf it’s the letter you gave me
Wan Ming( あてな)もいらないFar(とお)い国(くに)だよThere is no need to write the name from such a far away place
Who (だれ)に发事(へんじ)をtrust(たく)そうWho do I let I’ll give you a reply
人(ひと)は人(ひと)をquest(もと)め生(う)まれてきたと人 came to this world to meet each other
I didn’t understand until I met you after I met you.
From this world tomorrowIt would be great if the tears (なみだ)きえるようにtears can disappear
Who (だれ)もWho (だれ)もひとり生(い)きられない とNo one can survive alone
I didn’t know until I met (あ)えなくなって思(おも)うよthat I could never see each other again
いつもいつも-kun( きみ)はFuture(みらい)のどこかForever forever you are somewhere in the future
いのちさえも上(こ)えてhas transcended life
人(ひと)は人 (ひと)をquest(もと)め生(い)まれてきたとPeople come to the world to meet each other
君(きみ)に出会(であ)って知( し)ったよI didn’t understand until I met you
あすはあすはすべてこの世界(せかい)からTomorrow, tomorrow from this world
Tears(なみだ)きえるよう It would be nice if the tears could disappear
はるかにはるかにビル风(かぜ)がFar away placeFar away placeThe wind between tall buildings
Snow(ゆき)のToilet paper(てがみ ) Wu(まい)あげる blows the snow letter all over the sky
Genki(げんき)でいるよとそれだけをTake care, that’s all I say
Servant(ぼく)はchest( むね)でくりかえす keeps repeating in my heart