What are alliteration and kotaro oshio rhyme in English?

Alliteration: Alliteration is an important term in stylistics of English language branch. Alliteration is one of the means of English phonetic rhetoric. It contains the beauty of music and the neatness of language, which makes the language blend sound and emotion, sound and meaning, and has strong expressive force and appeal. It is helpful for us to understand and appreciate this figure of speech by analyzing and discussing it from three aspects: scope of application, structural characteristics and aesthetic value.

Kotaro oshio rhyme: Ending rhyme refers to the repetition of phonemes at the end of words, such as great and bait, which is one of the most common rhymes in English poetry.

The rhymes of English poetry can be divided into different categories according to the repeated parts of phonemes in words. The most common rhymes are alliteration, rhyme and rhyme. Alliteration refers to the repetition of the first word, such as great and grey homonym refers to the repetition of stressed vowels in words, such as great and fail.