Whose poem is this? It was a note I made before; what a beautiful sentence! Please complete the poem! ! Thanks! !

The Clock of Time/The Clown Sifeng

They made clocks/as if they were building a circular garden/to trap the four seasons/or tried to hire twenty-four administrators/to control The circulating machines/wooden and iron words/occupy their remaining air.

However, I have been severely threatened by the flowering period/I have been held hostage by the vision of the annual rings/I have been attacked by the climate of the taste/Because time can always give me the past/Wow, that juicy The scenes/never skimp on sugar and paint/never skimp on the use of clouds and flowers.

I have never customized an alarm clock on my lover/My relatives, my friends/I have never customized an alarm clock in the yard/In the annual rings of the velvet tree/In the green of the grass/In the pet's In the warmth/In the wool of the cicada sound/In the eyes of playmates, the customized alarm clock/The time has come, I have never thought about the quality of time/They rang, but they all rang/Ringed and rang, as if intensely It was announced that they were all lost!

I used to laugh, so now I cry/Isn’t this the soft law of time? It does not rule out the unforgettable scene/Just like in any era of greatness and suffering in history/I can always find one of my ancestors/Even though they are unknown and suffering/We still come over, come over/From the distant water , my bare feet come to my body / and inhabit temporarily / in the buoyancy of my dim light.

Ah! O fickle time, I taboo to talk about your quality/Like a time bomb/You are installed in the corner of every scene/O time, with your infinity/Let everything be a clock/Sky, grass, mother, lover /ticking...