The First Apostle: Adam (ァダム, Adam)
Source: Genesis in the Old Testament.
The Second Apostle: Lilith (Lilith)
Origin: Isaiah In the Old Testament, Lilith came from Hebrew, and in the Bible, she was also translated as a witch of the night.
The Third Apostle: Sakil (Sakil)
Origin: It is said that he is a member of the wisdom angel around God, and what's more, he once appeared as the attendant of the demon king on the fourth day.
The fourth apostle: Xie Lei of Siam (シヤムシェル, Shamsher).
Source: Enoch, the ruler of the fourth day. The Prince of Eden. The leader of 365 angels.
The Fifth Apostle: ラミェル Lei Mier
Source: Book of Enoch, Thunder Angel.
The Sixth Apostle: Gagier (ガギェル)
Source: the guardian angel on the sixth day.
The Seventh Apostle: Isis Raphael (ィスラフェル, Israel Phil).
Origin: the legendary angel in charge of "music" in Islam.
The Eighth Apostle: Sandefeng (サンダルフォン, Sandefeng)
Source: the dominator of the fifth day.
The Ninth Apostle: Matriel (マトリェル, Matharel)
Source: Enoch, the angel of rain.
The Tenth Apostle: Sahakel (サハクィェル)
Source: Book of Enoch, the dominant angel of the sky.
Eleventh Apostle: Eloth (ィロル, Israel)
Origin: The angel of terror is regarded as the angel who guards pregnant women.
The Twelfth Apostle: Lille (レリㄋル, Leliel)
Source: Enoch, the angel of the night.
On the thirteenth day, Ambassador Badier: Badier (バルディェル, Badier)
Source: Enoch, one of the seven archangels, ruler of the third day.
The 14th Apostle: Ze Reuel (ゼルェル)
Source: Book of Enoch, Angel of Power.
The 15th Apostle: Yaral (ァラェル, Arael)
Origin: Rabbis in Talmud created angels of birds.
The 16th Apostle: Amisal (ァルミサェル)
Source: Enoch, the angel of the womb.
The 17th Apostle: Tabris (タブリース, Tabris), whose human name is Kaworu Nagisa.
Origin: It is considered as "free will" by Judaism.