Ode to the west wind? -? Percy Bysshe Shelley

In a forest on the banks of the Arno River in Florence, strong winds are gathering clouds and mist, which breeds a powerful storm. In an instant, it began to rain at sunset, accompanied by hail, and the storm was accompanied by magnificent lightning and thunder, washing the earth and shaking the world.

The magnificent movement of nature inspired the poet. As a result, the storm of nature and the world was born together under the pen of poet Shelley, and the most famous lyric short poem "ode to the west wind" was born with warm and generous singing.

Let me be your harp, just like the forest;

Treat me like your harp, like a bush;

What if my leaf falls like its own!

Although my leaves have fallen, what does it matter!

The noise of your powerful harmony

Your unusually harmonious generosity and excitement

From a deep, autumn tone,

Will be able to play a deep autumn rhyme with me from the forest,

Sweetness in sadness. You are a fierce soul,

Sweet and sad. Give me your quick energy,

My spirit! Be me, impulsive person!

Angry elves! Become me, borrow your edge!

Drive my dead thoughts into the universe

Please scatter my dusty thoughts to the universe.

Just like withered leaves, accelerate rebirth!

Let it give birth to new life like dead leaves!

According to the spell in this section,

Oh, please listen to this incantation poem.

Scattered, as a fireplace that never goes out.

Just put my heart, like ashes and mars.

Ashes and sparks, my words in mankind!

Spread from the still burning fire to the world!

Through my lips, to wake up the earth

Let the trumpet of prophecy sound from my mouth.

The horn of prophecy! Oh, the wind,

Wake up the sleeping earth! Oh, west wind,

If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

If winter comes, can spring be far behind?