What are the aspects of management’s identification of internal controls by the International Institute of Auditors?

Auditing was born and developed in the capacity of economic supervision. Without supervision, auditing will mutate. This is true for national auditing, internal auditing, and private auditing. Whether it is evaluation or verification, they all work for supervision, and their essence is supervision. People usually say that internal auditing must provide good services, but the essence is to integrate supervision into services, rather than giving up supervision.

In 2001, the International Institute of Internal Auditors gave a new definition to internal auditing in the revised "Internal Auditing Practice Standards": "Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance work and consulting activity. , its purpose is to add value to the organization and improve the operational efficiency of the organization. It adopts a systematic and standardized approach to evaluate risk management, control and governance procedures to improve their efficiency, thereby helping to achieve the organization's goals." The 59th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Internal Auditors held in June 2000 defined internal auditing as: “Internal auditing is an independent, objective confirmation and consulting activity with the purpose of improving the work quality and efficiency of the unit. "The redefinition of internal auditing reflects the different requirements for internal auditing in different environments and the development trends of the internal auditing profession. However, after the emergence of the new definition, some people in the theoretical circles believe that contemporary internal auditing has developed into a value-added audit. It seems that adding value to the organization is the only goal of internal auditing, and the function of checking the authenticity and legality of financial receipts and expenditures also seems to be disappeared from the view of internal audit. We believe that this view is biased and even seriously misleading. The new internal audit definition should be comprehensively understood from the following aspects.