Seventh grade: Returning home, I wrote a book in the night rain and sent it to the North Huai River. Farewell to my friends. Du Shaofu was appointed to Shuzhou to pay Lotte to Yangzhou. When we first met at the banquet, I heard that Wang Changling moved to the left and Long Biao was far away. I sent this to the south of the Yangtze River. In the spring, I climbed up to Feilai Peak, looked at the mountains, watched the sea, and drank. In early spring, I went to the Ministry of Water. Zhang Shiba, the prefect of Yanmen, went to the sky to clean the sand. In autumn, I thought of the far away Altair star and crossed Jingmen to say goodbye. In the spring, I looked at the white snow and sent Magistrate Wu back to the capital. Xijiangyue (Farewell to the Bright Moon) Branches startled magpies) Eighth grade The thatched cottage was broken by the autumn wind Songs Passing through the old friend's village Touring Shanxi Village Yujiaao Huanxisha (Su Shi) Watching the harvesting of wheat Red Cliff Crossing the Ling Ding Ocean has already arrived Miscellaneous poems on the hillside Yangtong cares about Gu Caiwei Farewell to the army on the 15th day of the military expedition Qingpingle · Living in the village and paying homage to the emperor·Singing a long song on the trumpet (Sunflowers in the Green Garden) Looking at Dongting Lake as a gift to Prime Minister Zhang Living in the mountains in the dark autumn and the fish family is proud (the sky is connected to the clouds and waves and even the mist) Sauvignon Blanc (one way for mountains, one way for water) Ninth grade I went to the fortress to park in Qinhuai. Untitled Huanxi Sha (a new song with a glass of wine) Yan Shu Shui Tune Songtou·When will the moon shine? When will I hear that the army has taken over Henan, Hebei, and Chuzhou? Xijian invites guests like a dream order (Last night it rained and the wind blew) Bodhisattva Man·Shu Jiangxi stoma wall recalls Qin'e · Loushan Guanqinyuan spring · Xueguan Suijia Yellow Crane Tower Qiantang River spring trip to see each other in Huanjiang City · Hunting in Mizhou is difficult (a golden bottle of clear wine weighs a thousand catties) Liangzhou Ci Yong Coal Poppy ( When will the spring flowers and autumn moon come) Po Zhenzi composed six poems for Chen Tongfu in the classical Chinese Analects of Confucius (Confucius said: "Learn and learn from time to time") The inscription Ai Lian in the donkey's hut in Guizhou records the night tour of Chengtian Temple born in Worrying and dying, Zou Ji satirizes the king of Qi and accepts advice. The story of the Peach Blossom Spring in the Xiliu Camp. The story of the Yueyang Tower. The Drunken Old Man’s Pavilion. The story of Autumn Water. ) Two chapters of "Zhuangzi"... I suggest you buy a complete text in Chinese to buy this book,